
Wednesday 30 June 2010

The Daily Teaser …

Hmmm …

Well …

Here’s hoping …

Or, should I say, here’s hoping the Gazette have published that letter: it’d be nice to know that me photo, AND something I’ve written, got in there … !

Hmmm …

Am I sounding a touch self centred, there … ?

Oh, well …

Let’s have today’s questions, shall we … ?

Yes, lets …

Here they are, along with the ‘How To’ and License

Q1) 30th June, 1520, saw troops led by who fight their way out of the Aztec city of Tenochtitlan … ?

Q2) 30th June, 1864, saw President Lincoln grant what toe the US State of California … ?

Q3) 30th June, 1960, saw the Congo gain independence: but from which European country … ?

Q4) Thirty years later, 30th June, 1990, saw which two countries merge their economies?

Q5) And finally … 30th June, 1954, three continents saw what kind of solar event take place?

And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1) 29th June, 1974, saw who sworn in as the first female president of Argentina … ?
A1) Isobel Perón, the third wife of Juan Perón.

Q2) 29th June, 2007, saw two car bombs found in which which London Circus … ?
A2) Piccadilly Circus.

Q3) 29th June, 1966, saw the birth of Yoko Kamio. In which field of Japanese art did she achieve fame: manga, Noh, or Mizuhiki … ?
A3) Manga.

Q4) 29th June is also the day of the Haro Wine Festival: in which Spanish region is Haro … ?

Q5) And finally … 29th June, 1995, saw Space shuttle mission, STS-71, dock with a Russian Space station: which space shuttle was it … ?
A5) The Atlantis.

Enjoy those, everyone! I’ll catch you later … !!

1 comment:

  1. 1. Hernando Cortés
    2. Yosemite Valley Grant Act
    3. Belgium
    4. East & West Germany
    5. A total solar eclipse


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