
Wednesday 23 June 2010

The Great Parking Saga and The Letter To The Gazette!


They DID publish!!


I’ll confess, I sent in a letter to the Brentwood Gazette, last week, and they’ve published it!

Yes, I know, I really should be a bit more blasé about this sort of thing, by now, but it is nice to see my name in lights.

And not just me.

They’ve actually printed the name of this here blog, as well!

Which is nice!!

I just hope I get a few more people looking me up!!


At any rate, that’s not quite what I wanted to post up here …

At least, it wasn’t the first thing on my mind …


This was meant to be a fairly simple quick and dirty post to let you know that Councillor Chilvers has got an OFFICIAL petition together about the plans I’d told you about, the other day.

The ones about the proposed new flats in Saint James Road … ?

Yeah, those flats!

Oh, and I thought I’d ALSO let you know that’s I’ve ALSO emailed Councillor Holmes to ask her exactly how we, as residents, are supposed to object to this at the planning stage.

Here’s hoping that helps!


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