
Wednesday 23 June 2010

The Daily Teaser …

Hmmm …

Well, THAT Budget seemed to cause a bit of a fuss, yesterday, didn’t it … ?

I was watching George Osbourne give the speech on it, yesterday, and can’t help but think that the capping of Housing Benefit set’s a nasty precedent.

They’ve a nasty potential of eating into the changed tax allowance that — theoretically — sees me better off.

Oh, and by the VAT rise …

Let’s get moving on, shall we … ?

Before I move into a Ben Elton style rant …


At any rate, I know yesterday’s Teaser was another quiet one.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’ and ‘License’ …

Q1) 23rd June, 1992, saw the gaoling of Mafia boss, John Gotti: what was his nickname … ?

Q2) 23rd June, 1314, saw the start of which battle in Scotland … ? (And if FSG Drone or Doctor Paul get this wrong … !!!!!)

Q3) Just as a real toughie, 23rd June is the Official birthday of the Grand Dukes of Luxembourg. The current Grand Duke, Henri, is the senior member of Luxembourg’s ruling house: what’s the name of that Ruling house … ?

Q4) June, 23rd, 1998, saw the death of film star, Maureen O’Sullivan: who did she co-star with, in Tarzan The Ape Man?

Q5) Three years earlier, 23rd June, 1995, saw the death of Dr Joseph Salk: Dr Salk is the man who developed the vaccine for which disease … ?

Q6) And finally … 23rd June, 1912 saw the birth of the man celebrated as one of the Fathers of modern computing: who was he … ?

And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1) 22nd June, 1941, saw the start of Operation Barbarossa: this was Nazi Germany’s planned invasion of where … ?
A1) The USSR.

Q2) 22nd June, 1825, saw Parliament abolish what, in British North America: feudalism, taxes on tea, or self-rule … ?
A2) Feudalism.

Q3) 22nd June, 1979, saw which British politician cleared of attempted murder … ?
A3) Former Liberal party leader, Jeremy Thorpe.

Q4) 22nd June, 1903, saw the birth of notorious bank robber, John Dillinger: who played Dillinger in the 2009 Michæl Mann film, Public Enemies?

Q5) And finally … 22nd June, 1981, saw Mark Chapman plead guilty to killing who?
A5) John Lennon.

Enjoy those, every one: I’ll catch you later.


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