
Thursday 3 June 2010

Meetings, and Trouble with iPhones …

Hmmm …

Well, that was an interesting evening.

But, first off, I’ve just been watching the BBC’s consumer affair’s programme, Watchdog. Who’ve just posted up a story about apparent water damage to the iPhone.

Now, if you hadn’t worked out, by now, that I’m a bit of a fan of Apple products, then you’ve obviously not been paying attention!!

But going by the Watchdog story … … … ?

Apple could have a problem or two, heading their way …


At any rate, that’s not the what I was intending to initially write about … !

Especially if you were one of my neighbours who was with me, ’round the corner, tonight …

Well …

Not literally ‘’round the corner …

Noe you remember that, over the years I’ve been living here in Rollason Way, the one recurring gripe that’s alway’s been raised has been the parking.

Dear me, the parking … !

It’s been a point of confusion: basically due to bad planning, really. Effectively, residents here have — as came up in tonights meeting — roughly ¾’s of a parking space, each.

Planning departments, eh … ?

Something that’s helped, over the past few months, has been the Clamping scheme that was introduced, a little while back.

Basically, everyone that lives in our street get’s two parking permits for the car parks, here on Rollason Way: one for residents, and one extra for our visitors. Anyone parked — in the car-parkswithout get’s clamped, and has to pay a rather large release fee.

Which — from where I’m sitting — does seem to have helped.

Although I’ve also got to admit, there still seems to be commuters about, but mostly in St James and Wharf Road, rather than in our car-parks.

Which is also something that got a mention, actually …

Seemingly, Crest Nicholson , the developers of the estate and owners of the road, will be extending their parking restrictions on what’s called Rollason Road, but leads into Rollason Way, itself.

Run by a different company to the one that administer’s our parking scheme.

Can’t see trouble, there … !


Hmmm …

One thing I know that I asked about was when — if ever — control of Rollason Way would be adopted by the local council: Essex County Council, or Brent Council, I’m still not sure who exactly’s responsible, there.

I happen to think that’ll certainly help if there’s an official parking restriction: administered by the relevant authorities, of course.

The problem there, as Sara Bartleman, Southern Anglia’s rep, and our Housing officer, pointed, is that that is going to take anywhere up to two years … !


Hmmm …

Which lead to the other thing to mention about tonight’s meeting.

The clamping scheme … ?

The one we’ve got in operation, here … ?

Yeah, that clamping scheme … !

For STARTER’S, it’s up for review. And the majority opinion seemed to be that we should be consulted about it.

Which is where the discussion got … well … if not heated, then certainly intent … !

Ranging from whether to email people, bang on door’s with the letter, or leave it in people’s letter boxes.

I’m hoping for the first, personally, but that’s me.

As for the options … ?

Well, when I know more, I’ll try and put them up.

But I do know that that one of the options — going from two permits to one — will be heftily discussed …


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