
Monday 7 June 2010

The News Zoo

OK, this is going to be as quick as I can possibly get it to be, but I’ve had a couple of things wander across me attention.

First off, I’ve been having a float ’round both the BBC teletext service, and their online news page.

Seemingly, Adobe have admitted that there’s a “critical security vulnerability” in its Reader, Acrobat and Flash Player products.

And that these are cross platform: in other words, the vulnerability affects versions of the software on Mac OS X, Windows and Linux distros.

Understandably, I’ve warned as many of my friends as possible.

It’s also why I’m telling you … !

If I’ve understood things correctly, by the way, Adobe are advising people to update to the most recent versions of the relevant software, AND update what virus protection we’re using.

Well … ?

Don’t just SIT there, this could be a bad one … !!!


Second into bat, is the news that — as most Apple developers will be able to tell you — today sees the start of Apple’s World Wide Developers Conference.

And my cynical side is turning ’round and wondering who’s complaining about the lack of iPhone support for Flash, now?

But I’ve got to admit, I’ve just had a look at some of Apple’s bumf about the new generation of iPhone, announced by Steve Jobs, at that conference.

It does look impressive.

But I can only hope that’s the boys from Cupertino have managed to clean up that water-damage problem Watchdog mentioned, a while back …


Finally, and with all due thanks to the team at Life, Dr Who and ComBom for mentioning this … !!

It looks like the BBC has commissioned a fourth series of Torchwood.

No guarantees, of course, as it’s in partnership with a US channel called Starz, but it looks like Russell T. Davies and Julie Gardner will be in charge.

Which, for those of us who are missing them, could be fun … !!


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