
Tuesday 8 June 2010

The Daily Teaser …

You know, I think I’m mildly impressed …

I’ve just been having a sneaky go of McSebi’s latest, ConnectM.

And I think I like it … !!

I think I’d better get cracking, hadn’t I, before I get too distracted …

Yesterday’s teaser saw Trevor and Kaiju both getting 6 out of 6, with Trevor putting in some good quotes from Tony Blair, and Kaiju filling in some of the basic details of the ancient Roman Vestalia: or Festival of Vesta.

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we … ? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’ and License

Q1) 8th May, 1949, saw Helen Keller, Danny Kaye, and Edward G Robinson all named as what … ?

Q2) 8th June, 1995, saw Rasmus Lehdorf release the original version of the programming language, PHP: what did PHP originally stand for … ?

Q3) June 8th, 1941, saw the birth of Clarence “Fuzzy” Haskins: which influential funk band was he founding member of … ?

Q4) 8th June, 1783, saw the eruption of the volcano, Laki: in which country is Laki … ? (The eruptions lasted nine months, and killed 9000 people. And we think we’ve got problems … )

Q5) And finally … 8th June, 1910, saw the birth of John W. Campbell: he was one the the most influential figures of Golden Age Science-fiction, as he was the editor of which magazine?

And here — complete with the odd comment — are yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1) 7th June, 1982, saw Priscilla Beaulieu Presley open what to the public … ?
A1) Graceland. (You couldn’t get to the bathroom, though, can’t think why … )

Q2) 7th June, 2000, saw Tony Blair famously heckled by … whom …?
A2) The Annual conference of The Woman’s Institute. (It could’ve been worse, he could’ve had serious amounts of jam thrown at him … )

Q3) 6 years later, 7th June, 2006, saw the House of Parliament closed, after what kind of alert was issued …
A3) An anthrax alert. (Now, why didn’t the WI think of this one … ?)

Q4) 7th June was — in the Roman Empire — the start of celebrations of which goddess … ?
A4) Vesta.

Q5) 7th June, 1942, saw the US Navy win a decisive 3-day battle against the Japanese Navy: this battle was centred around which Pacific island … ?
A5) Midway.

Q6) And finally … 7th June, 1975, saw Sony put what on sale … ?
A6) Betamax VCR’s.

Enjoy those, everyone, I’ll catch you later.


  1. 1. They were named in an FBI report as Communist Party members.

    2. "Personal Home Page"

    3. Oh, these are too much fun. The Parliaments. The Funkadelics, and finally, the P-Funk. Oh, we got da Funk! We got da Funk! Bridging the generations, the two groups that are One are favs of my mom, me, and my kids. P-Funk! Oh, yeah! Gotta dance, now...

    4. South-east Iceland

    5. Astounding Science Fiction (later called Analog Science Fiction and Fact) and Unknown Worlds

  2. Q1 communist party members
    Q2 personal home page
    Q3 P Funk
    Q4 Iceland
    Q5 Astounding Science Fiction


    “Charity degrades those who receive it and hardens those who dispense it.”

    “Don't walk in front of me, I may not follow. Don't walk behind me, I may not lead. There is only one happiness in life, to love and be loved.”

    “He who draws noble delights from sentiments of poetry is a true poet, though he has never written a line in all his life.”

    “Simplicity is the most difficult thing to secure in this world; it is the last limit of experience and the last effort of genius.”

    “Work is not man's punishment. It is his reward and his strength and his pleasure.”

    All quotes by George Sand (French Female Author)


  3. Actually, now you mention it, Kaiju, I’ve just given We Want The Funk a listen, again on YouTube.

    Hubba Hubba!

    Actually, I’ll be honest, about the only bassist who’d be able to keep up with the P-Funk gang — over her in the UK, at any rate — would have to be Norman Watt-roy.

    Go Look him up … !


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