
Wednesday 9 June 2010

The Daily Teaser …

What a day yesterday was …

Mostly where I had Sarah D pop in, to say ‘Hi’ as she was in the area, Dr Kevin popping in, as he needed help making sure he’d got the hang keeping himself safe, in the wake of the Adobe security scare.

Talking of which, I know I’ve just had the security Update download itself from Adobe’s site, you might want to check that out.

Oh, and I had Kelly, bless her, phoning up — from Devon — to ask for a little networking advise … if that makes sense … !

I’m just thankful Movie Night Adrian agreed to help out, there …

Oy veh!!


But let’s get moving on, shall we … ?

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Kaiju — getting his answers in first — and Trevor going head-to-head and both getting 5 out of 5.

And, along with Trevor putting in some rather intriguing quotes from George Mann, we had Kaiju mentioning the fact the Parliament-Funkadelic had a heck of a lot of cross-generational appeal … !

Well … !

But, before I get distracted, again, let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we … ? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’ and License

Q1) 9th June, 68 AD, saw Roman Emperor Nero commit suicide: which poet did he quote … ?

Q2) 9th June also saw the first broadcast from the Houses of Parliament, both on BBC and commercial Radio: but in which year of the 1970s … ?

Q3) 9th June, 1732, saw James Oglethorpe granted a Royal Charter for what’s now which US state?

Q4) More to the point, how many stars are on that state’s state flag?

Q5) 9th June, 1870, saw the death of novelist, Charles Dickens: what was the name of his last, completed, novel … ?

Q6) And finally … 9th June, 1981, saw the birth of siterist, Anoushka Shankar: who’s her Grammy winning half-sister … ?

And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1) 8th May, 1949, saw Helen Keller, Danny Kaye, and Edward G Robinson all named as what … ?
A1) Communists. (Right now, I’ve got this guy in mind, lord knows why … )

Q2) 8th June, 1995, saw Rasmus Lehdorf release the original version of the programming language, PHP: what did PHP originally stand for … ?
A2) Personal Home Page.

Q3) June 8th, 1941, saw the birth of Clarence “Fuzzy” Haskins: which influential funk band was he founding member of … ?
A3) Parliament-Funkadelic.

Q4) 8th June, 1783, saw the eruption of the volcano, Laki: in which country is Laki … ? (The eruptions lasted nine months, and killed 9000 people. And we think we’ve got problems … )
A4) Iceland.

Q5) And finally … 8th June, 1910, saw the birth of John W. Campbell: he was one the the most influential figures of Golden Age Science-fiction, as he was the editor of which magazine?
A5) Astounding Science Fiction.

Enjoy those, everyone.

I’ll catch you later … !

1 comment:

  1. Q1 Vergil
    Q2 1975
    Q3 Georgia
    Q4 13
    Q5 Our Mutual Friend

    Q6 Norah Jones


    “Birds do it, bees do it, even educated fleas do it. Let's do it, let's fall in love.”

    “I get no kick from champagne, Mere alcohol doesn't thrill me at all, So tell me why should it be true, That I get a kick out of you?”.

    “He may have hair upon his chest but, sister, so has Lassie.”

    “In olden days a glimpse of stocking was looked on as something shocking but now, God knows, anything goes.”

    “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? I don't.”

    “You're the Nile,/ You're the Tower of Pisa,/ You're the smile/ On the Mona Lisa.”

    All quotes by Cole Porter.


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