
Thursday, 29 July 2010

The Daily Teaser …

Oh, my lord, that’s embarrassing.

I’ve actually managed to sleep through my alarm … !

Whilst I’m out of a job, it’s not necessarily that important, I know.

But the simple fact is, I like to try and get up early, in part, to try and keep some sort of normal working structure to my day.

And in part because I’m also very aware that I like to get the Teaser’s up nice and early, so that all of my regulars — on both sides of the pond — get a good chance to mull over their answers.

Right, with that in mind, lets get on with things, shall we … ?

Shall we … ?

Yes, lets … !

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Trevor — not in a bikini* — Kaiju and Pink Fluff scoring 6 out of 6 on what was one of the most commented Teaser’s I can can remember.

Lets see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we … ? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’ and License

Q1) 29th July, 2007, saw the death of comedian and actor, Mike Reid: which children’s quiz show did he present, in the 1970s … ?

Q2) 29th July, 1968, saw Pope Paul 6th formally announce that the Roman Catholic Church would be keeping it’s ban … on what?

Q3) 29th July, 1959, saw the birth of rock guitarist, John Sykes: one of the bands he was a member of, took its name from creature in a Michæl Moorcock short story. Which band … ?

Q4) 29th July, 1924, saw the birth of Elizabeth: how did she become better known, in 1947 … ?

Q5) 29th July, 2005, saw the discovery of the Solar system’s largest dwarf planet: what’s that dwarf planet called … ?

Q6) And finally … 29th July, 1974, saw the birth of US rapper, Joseph Foreman: or Afroman, as he was better known. What was hie only UK number 1 … ?

And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1) 28th July, 1540, saw who executed under orders of King Henry 8th … ?

A1) Thomas Cromwell.

Q2) More to the point, who did Henry 8th marry, that same day … ?
A2) His fifth wife, Catherine Howard.

Q3) 28th July, 1943, saw the birth of keyboard player Richard Wright: with which band did he achieve fame … ?
A3) Pink Floyd.

Q4) 28th July, 1865, saw Welsh settlers first arrive at the Chubut River: in which South American country is the Chubut River?
A4) Argentina.

Q5) More to the point, what’s the Welsh name for that river … ?

A5) Afon Camwy.

Q6) And finally … 28th July, 2001, saw which swimmer become the first to win six Gold medals at a World Championship?

Enjoy those, everyone.

I’ll catch you later …

* No, trust me, Trevor’s not in a bikini. Really …


  1. Q1 Runaround
    Q2 Birth Control
    Q3 Tygers of Pan Tang
    Q4 The Black Dahlia
    Q5 Eris (originally Xena)
    Q6 "Because I Got High"

    Trevor – dressed conventionally

    “A good picture is equivalent to a good deed.”

    “Even the knowledge of my own fallibility cannot keep me from making mistakes. Only when I fall do I get up again.”

    “I dream of painting and then I paint my dream.”

    “Painting is a faith, and it imposes the duty to disregard public opinion.”

    “There is no blue without yellow and without orange.”

    “When I have a terrible need of - shall I say the word - religion. Then I go out and paint the stars.”

    Quotes by Vincent Willem van Gogh died July 29 1890

  2. When are you going to send Trevor on a long holiday and start awarding points for cleverness rather than accuracy? One wonders....
    1. Pee Wee Herman's older and more predatory Quiz Master
    2. abortion, the pill, any remote fleeting smiles. Oh, and that well-obeyed ban on predatory priests.
    3. The Poon Tangs!
    4. The Queen
    5. Red Dwarf
    6. Buy a grill from my daddy or else!

    Gosh, I am so sure I've won!


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