
Tuesday 6 July 2010

Drag Me To Hell: Blood, Guts and free floating Eyeballs … 

You know, sometimes, there really absolutely nowt on TV, there really isn’t, is there … ?

Well … ?

Is there … ?

Which makes the simple fact I’ve a copy of the Sam Raimi directed, 2009 film, Drag Me To Hell, available, rather useful, wasn’t it … ?

After all, it did give me and Movie Adrian something to watch …


7th July, 2010.

Didn’t it ever …

Drag Me to Hell sees Christine — an ambitious loan officer played by Alison Lohman — trying to impress her boss by refusing to extend a loan to elderly Hungarian Gypsy, Mrs Ganush: played with a lot of relish, by Lorna Raver.

And cursed to be tormented by a lamia for three days, until the inevitable dragging to hell happens … !!


Oh, and just as a side point, Christine’s sympathetic boyfriend, Clay, is played by Justin Long.

If you’re as much of a Mac head as I am, you’ll probably know him already … !!


At any rate, I think I’m going to have absolutely NO compunction in telling you to go catch Drag Me To Hell.

Granted, it’s a gruesome, splatter-punk of a horror flick: not for everyone, in other words.

But it does have a certain sense of fun too it: if you like Quentin Tarantino’s Pulp Fiction, Drag Me to Hell will be right up your street!


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