
Sunday 4 July 2010

The Independence Day Teaser.

LORD knows what happened there, but my word, was I having trouble with NeoOffice!

Usually, it — and Bean, the other main word-processing software I use — don’t cause to many problems, but — for some reason — neither would save the poster I was trying to put together for today.

Strange, but true.

Combining with THAT, I managed to quite the Finder.

And LORD knows what happened, there … !


Lets move on, shall we … ?

Yes, lets …

Now, yesterday’s teaser was quiet.

So I’m hoping today’s Independence Day Teaser questions gets a response from my US regulars.

And, yes, Kaiju, Andrea, Angela, we’re looking at you three!

Let’s have the questions, shall we … ? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’ and License

Q1) 4th July, 1776, is the original US Independence Day, as it saw the proclamation of the Declaration of Independence: how many future and (then) current presidents signed that Declaration … ?

Q2) Name any one of them …

Q3) Anti-war activist Ron Kovic was famously “Born on the Fourth Of July”: who director the film version of Kovic’s biography … ?

Q4) Which is the only great lake totally within the USA?

Q5) Which state of the USA is known as the ‘Sunflower State’?

Q6) What’s the official country home of the US President?

Q7) In which ocean is the US state of Hawaii?

Q8) In which US State was the first Independence Day celebration … ?

Q9) And finally … 4th July, 1902, saw the birth of which Russian-born US gangster … ?

And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1) 3rd July, 1844, saw the death of the last breeding pair of Great Auks: what is the Great Auks closest living relative … ?
A1) The Razorbill.

Q2) 3rd July, 1819, saw the first saving’s bank open in the USA: in which US city … ?
A2) New York.

Q3) 3rd July, 1886, saw the world’s first purpose-built car: but which German engineer … ?
A3) Karl Benz.

Q4) 3rd July, 1980, saw the New York Times become the first newspaper to mention which disease … ?

Q5) And finally … 3rd July, 2008, saw the death of actor, Clive Hornby: which character did he play in Emmerdale?
A5) Jack Sugden.

Enjoy those, everyone.

And don’t overdo the turkey, everyone!



  1. 1 3
    2 Ben Franklin
    3 Bruce Springsteen
    4 Lake Superior
    5 New Mexico
    6 Graceland
    7 Pacific
    8 Massachussets
    9 Al Capone

  2. Oh man! An Independence Day Quiz, and I missed it!

    Well, I confess. There are only about 4 U.S. National Holidays that I acknowledge. No, I don't go on holiday usually. But my brain does. I spent the long weekend in a vegetative state since there was no work to be done, anyway.

    A warning: I'll likely be braindead for our Labor Day Weekend, as well. That's the first weekend of September. All apologies in advance!


  3. Ah … !

    Kaiju, remind me to look that date up and get REALLY nasty … !!!!!!!!


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