
Tuesday 27 July 2010

Something I’ve Noticed …

You know, I’ve got to admit, I couldn’t help notice something, when I was happily writing up a post about Sherlock, on Sunday.

No, seriously …

And I can’t help but wonder if anyone else has, to be frank …

Actually, I’m convinced people have, but that’s the way it goes …

I do know that the ever-keen ComBom managed to catch a something he wanted to flag for our attention.

Which, after Sunday, I definitely rummaged through, I know that …

At ANY rate, I’m burbling, aren’t I … ?

Let me get to the point, shall I … ?

Yes, lets …


Right, now, where was I … … ?

Oh, yeah …

I was telling you I’d noticed something.

Well …

Noticed a similar scene.

Let me clarify, shall I … ?

One of the earlier scenes I noticed in the first episode of SherlockA Study In Pink — was one where Holmes and Watson are called into a crime scene, by Inspector Lestrade, to give their views on a an apparent suicide: the most recent in a series of four.

And it struck me that it reminded me of something else I’d seen: something ALSO penned by Steven Moffat …

Now, I know those two scenes are from very different shows.

But … !

But I’m thinking that the fact Steven Moffat is heavily involved with both gives a certain spin.

I mean, beyond the fact that we’re looking at two central characters who’ve developed their mental and perceptive powers to an acute level, or or have innate ones that quite advanced.

Now, did that sound incredibly snotty … ?

Possibly … !

But either way, I think you get my point, I hope … ?


At any rate, I’ve one last video to post up, courtesy of Grub, over at 100 Albums You Must Have.

Enjoy … !!

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