
Monday 16 August 2010

Computer Security: A Quick Word or Two …

And when I say quick, I basically do mean, quick.

But hopefully effective.

Hopefully … !


One thing I do know is that — over the years — is that there’s various scams and bits of malicious software doing the rounds.

But one obvious tip to give people … ?

Is to be careful of things like this happening.

Scams like the Comantra one that Kelly kept clear of, means that we should all be aware of these things. And keep on our toes!

Outside of that, though … ?

There’s various tips. But the basic one’s all seem common enough for any one, whatever operating system we use.

  • Create an standard account for everyday use: don’t use the default Administrator one that gets created when you install an OS.
  • Make sure your Firewall’s up.
  • Make sure you keep your system updated.
  • And get some anti-virus and malware detection software in.

There’s a couple of others, as well.

  • For those of us on Mac OS X and Linux, making sure we scan our forwarded mail helps. That way, can be sure we don’t forward Windoze virus to our Windoze using friends.
  • Make sure we only open email attachments from trusted sources.
  • And make sure we do the same for downloadable software and files.

Now, I hope those help.

But for more, OS X users can look here, Ubuntu* users, here and Windoze users can look here.

* Actually, that piece on the Ubuntu forums is a handy read, for all of us, no matter what OS we use.

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