
Thursday 12 August 2010

The Daily Teaser …

You know, it’s nice to be able to say that I’m up early: or up early for me, that is.

It means I’ve been able to get started on today’s teaser.

And, because I’ve trashed something I had planned for tomorrow, it means I’ve got the chance to re-do it.

And a touch better, at that.

But isn’t it frustrating when you accidentally delete something … ?


But let’s get moving on, shall we … ?

Yes, lets … !

Yesterday’s teaser saw just Trevor putting in his answers, and some quotes, and scoring 6 out of 6.

And I’ve got to admit, Trevor, I loved the one about understanding binary … !

At any rate, lets see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’ and License

Q1) 12th August is the traditional date for the start of the Grouse hunting season in the UK: which species of grouse in particular … ?

Q2) 12th August is — according to the UN — International what Day … ?

Q3) On the subject of days, 12 August is Sea Org Day, a feast day in which modern religion … ?

Q4) 12th August, 1851, saw who granted a patent for his model of sewing machine … ?

Q5) And finally … 12th August, 1883, saw the death of the last known example of which species at a zoo in Amsterdam … ?

And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …

Q1) 11th August, 1999, saw people in Europe and Asia witness the last what of the century … ?

A1) Total solar eclipse.

Q2) 11th August, 1952, saw who proclaimed as the third constitutional king of Jordan … ?
A2) Prince Hussein.

Q3) 11th August, 1984, saw controversy, as British athlete, Zola Budd, was accursed of tripping who … ?
A3) Mary Decker.

Q4) 11th august, 1929, saw the first Bud Billikan Parade and Picnic, the largest Afro-American parade in the US: in which US city is it held … ?
A4) Chicago.

Q5) Actually, while we’re in the US … 11th August, 1954, saw the death of Santo Trafficante, Snr: of which city’s Mafia organisation was he the boss … ?

A5) Tampa, Florida.

Q6) And finally … 11th August, 1858 saw the first ascent of which mountain in the Bernese Alps … ?

A6) The Eiger.

Enjoy those, everyone.

Now, if you’ll excuse me … ?

I’ve some remaking to do …


  1. 1. Red Grouse
    2. International Youth Day
    3. Scientology
    4. Isaac M. Singer
    5. quagga -- The quagga were an equine species, similar to the zebra but with stripes only on the head, neck and shoulders. The last one in the wild was shot. Nice going Great White Hunters...

  2. Q1 Red Grouse (Lagopus lagopus scoticus)
    Q2 International Youth Day (IYD)
    Q3 Church of Scientology
    Q4 Isaac Merritt Singer
    Q5 The quagga (Equus quagga quagga)


    “All strange and terrible events are welcome, but comforts we despise.”

    “Celerity is never more admired than by the negligent.”

    “Fool! Don't you see now that I could have poisoned you a hundred times had I been able to live without you.”

    “I will not be triumphed over.”

    “In praising Antony I have dispraised Caesar.”

    “My honour was not yielded, but conquered merely.”

    Quotes by Cleopatra VII Philopator died August 12 30BC


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