
Saturday 2 October 2010

Merlin: Episode 4’s Got Gwaine

You know, I’ve got to admit, it’s actually not — surprisingly — a Saturday Night Movie night, tonight.

With practically everybody being busy …

Which meant, with little money to actually head out, I’m stuck indoors with little to do.

Saying that, though, it has meant I’ve a touch more time to transfer over the last few widgets I needed from the previous version of my User account.

Mostly games, I should add.

Although the Clock and the CharacterPal one both come in handy, in their own separate ways …

Actually, I’d recommend any of us with Mac’s to get hold of the CharacterPal Widget: it’s free, still on the Apple site, and does cömé în handy when you want some of the öddèr aççents …


And little symbols that nobody else knows about …


Ör really ûnderstands …


Or know’s the exact point of …


¿Now I’m showing off, aren’t I … ?


Sorry, could never resist that …

But, at any rate, I’ve got to admit, one thing I have done, tonight, though … ?

Is — as you’ve probably guessed — watch tonight’s fourth episode of series three of the BBC series, Merlin.

Which I’ve got on again, in the background …



Do you remember me saying that I found last week’s episode a little too light-weight … ?

Not that that’s a bad thing, it’s just — as I think I said — I wasn’t necessarily in the mood for comedy.

Tonight’s episode, though, the Julian Jones penned Gwaine?

Much nearer the mark, I’m thinking … !

Gwaine sees Merlin and Arthur — after a hunt — stopping off at a local tavern.

And managing to get themselves into trouble, by helping out with a robbery that happens, while they’re there.

But not directly, though.

Oh, no.

Because the bandit leader, along with his second-in-command, manage to hit upon a way to magically disguise themselves as two knights heading for the next Mêlée being held at Camelot: with the intention of getting revenge.

The twist in the plot … ?

Is that the BBC/Shine Productions updating of the series introduces us to Gwaine: its take on the ancient Arthurian figure, Gawaine.

A man who, unlike the updates series’ version of Lancelot, is of noble blood, and seriously doesn’t like showing it.

Is left wing enough to admit he really doesn’t like nobles and yet is the son of a knight …

And one that is not too proud to admit, by the end of the episode, he’s come to respect Arthur.


Now, so far … ?

So far, I’ve got to confess, I’m still enjoying Series three of Merlin.

And, while Gwaine may not be the high-light of the series so far — that goes to the two-part opening episodes, The Tears Of Uther Pendragon, Part 1 and Part 2 — it does contribute nicely to the other-all story-arc: and has enough light moments to keep us happy, before throwing us back into the deep end.

The fact that Guinevere is deeply attached to Arthur? That’s covered, and nicely so: if this re-telling of the story does eventually cover the affair between her and Lancelot, this is building a lot more potential tragedy in, ahead of time.

It introduces us to another of the Round Table, in the shape of Gwain. The old stories tell us he could be both reckless and the greatest knight of all. And Eion Macken’s performance in the rôle is nicely done, I think: a deftly scripted and acted mix of Han Solo-esque charm, and seriously competent fighter.

On the whole … ?

Gwaine is a good episode.


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