
Saturday 2 October 2010

The Daily Teaser …

Bloomin’ Hell … !

Ever had what — in theory — is a good nights sleep, but still managed to wake up feeling dog-tired … ?

Lord know’s how I managed that, but that’s what happened to me, this morning.

Personally … ?

I’m blaming the re-construction job I had to do, yesterday … !

At any rate, let’s get moving on, shall we … ?


Yes, lets … !

Yesterday’s Teaser saw the almost classic line-up of Trevor, Kaiju and AlexandraFunFit putting in their answers: it saw Trevor and Kaiju both bagging six out of six, and Alexandra bagging four out of six. Which, in percentage terms is 66%: compared to her previous best, of 3 out of 5, or 60%, I think we can say Alexandra — possibly the Teaser’s most sporting player — has just put in her best score!

Let’s see how she, Trevor and Kaiju — and more importantly, YOU — do with today’s questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the ‘How To’ and License
Q1) 2nd October, 1959, saw US television viewers — via CBS — enter what for the first time … ?

Q2) 2nd October, 1552, saw Russian forces enter the city of Kazan: under which Russian Tsar … ?

Q3) 2nd October, 1971, saw the birth (definitely, Trevor, I’ve checked this …) of singer, Tiffany: what was her biggest UK hit … ?

Q4) 2nd October, 1983, saw who become leader of the UK’s Labour Party?

Q5) 2nd October, 1890, saw the birth of Julius Henry Marx: which of the Marx Brothers was he?

Q6) And finally … 2nd October, 1949, saw the birth of Richard Hell: with which proto-punk did he first achieve fame … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 1st October, 1975, saw Muhammed Ali beat Joe Frazier, in the Thrilla in Manila: was it their first, second or third fight … ?

A1) Their Third.

Q2) Manila is the capital of which nation … ?
A2) The Philippines.

Q3) 1st October, 1880, saw who named as the leader of the United States Marine Band … ?
A3) John Philip Sousa.

Q4) 1st October, 1946, saw the end of the first batch of which famous Trials … ?

Q5) 1st October, 1974, saw the birth of which member of Boyzone.
A5) Keith Duffy.

Q6) And finally … 1st October, 2004, saw the death of bassist Bruce Palmer: was which folk-rock band did he achieve fame … ?
A6) Buffalo Springfield.
Enjoy those, everyone.

Now, if you’ll excuse me … ? I’m going to set the timer for Merlin

1 comment:

  1. Q1 The Twilight Zone
    Q2 Ivan IV Vasilyevich better known as Ivan The Terrible
    Q3 "Could've Been"
    Q4 Neil Gordon Kinnock, Baron Kinnock
    Q5 Groucho Marx
    Q6 Richard Hell & The Voidoids


    “A camel is a horse designed by committee.”

    “An expert is someone who tells you why you can't do something.”

    “I feel very, very proud that so many people have copied me.”

    “It is much easier to drive without having an accident.”

    “The public don't know what they want; it's my job to tell them.”

    Quotes by Sir Alexander Arnold Constantine Issigonis (designer of the Mini) died 2 October 1988.


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