
Friday 1 October 2010

Weird …

Strange …

Do you remember me telling you — in this morning’s Teaser — that I was having trouble using both Safari to access the web … ?

Well, I was.

And having a heck of a problem launching iTunes, iPhoto and a few other applications, as well.

I’m still not sure exactly what happened, there, even after posting to the relevant Apple forum.

However, I’m writing this post — right now — with Safari.

On the Mac Mini. (Which, as Movie Night Adrian, Kevin D, Sarah D, Squeaky and Andrea will tell you, is called Bruce.)

After I’d spent most of the day transferring my files to an exterior hard drive, setting up a new user account, and then re-importing files, photos, music, et al into the new account.


That seems to have got around the problem.

Although it still leaves me wondering what the hell happened in the first place.

If you’ve any ideas, let me know.


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