
Wednesday 3 November 2010

The Daily Teaser …

Hmmm …

Well, I’ve got to admit, it’s Official Day off number 2, and I’m seriously contemplating going back to bed!

In a relatively guilt free way, as well.

Saying that, though?

I do know I’m going to have to do some ironing, later …



Lets get moving on, shall we … ?

Yes, lets … !

Yesterday’s Teaser saw both Trevor and Kaiju bagging 6 out of 6: with Trevor putting in quite a few quotes from George Bernard Shaw, and Kaiju showing us how well travelled he, by telling us quite a bit about the M1.

Lets see how they — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’ and License
Q1) 3rd November, 1913, saw the US government introduce a what: income tax, sales tax, or customs duties … ?

Q2) 3rd November, 1998, saw the death of comic book writer and artist, Bob Kane: which DC hero did he create … ?

Q3) 3rd November, 1964, saw who win the US Presidential elections?

Q4) 3rd November, 1783, saw John Austin become the last person publicly hanged at Tyburn Gallows: what type of criminal was he … ?

Q5) And finally … 3rd November, 1985, saw secret service agents from which country plead guilty to sinking the Greenpeace ship, the Rainbow Warrior?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 2nd November, 1960, saw Penguin Books found Not Guilty — of Obscenity — after publishing which book?

A1) D. H. Lawrence’s Lady Chatterley’s Lover.

Q2) 2nd November, 1959, saw the opening of the first section of which British motorway?
A2) The M1.

Q3) More to the point, name either of the junctions at either end of that section … ?
A3) Junctions 5 and 18.

Q4) 2nd November, 1913, saw the birth of which US actor … ?
A4) Burt Lancaster.

Q5) In Roman Catholic — and in some Anglican traditions — 2nd November is celebrated as what … ?
A5) All Souls’ Day.

Q6) And finally … 2nd November, 1996, saw the death of which American singer … ?
A6) Eva Cassidy.
Enjoy those, everyone: now, if you’ll excuse me … ? I’m going to put some washing on …

1 comment:

  1. Q1 Income tax
    Q2 Batman
    Q3 Lyndon Baines Johnson
    Q4 Highwayman
    Q5 France


    “Audiences like to see the bad guys get their comeuppance.”

    “I don't have friends, I have thousands of acquaintances. No friends. I figured I had a wife and children.”

    “I don't look like someone who leans on a mantelpiece with a cocktail in my hand, you know.”

    “I guess I look like a rock quarry that someone has dynamited.”

    “I wouldn't tell Jill how I felt. I behaved in such a way that was opposite to how I felt. I must have seemed strong to her. I didn't want to bring her down.”

    “Maybe I'm too masculine. Casting directors cast in their own, or an idealized image. Maybe I don't look like anybody's ideal.”

    “I look like the kind of guy who has a bottle of beer in my hand.”

    Quotes by Charles Bronson born 3 November 1921.


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