
Tuesday 23 November 2010

The Daily Teaser …

Hmmm …

I’ve got to admit, I’m happily watching the BBCs news channel, at the mo.

They’ve just had their technology correspondent, Rory Cellan-Jones, on to remind us how easy it is to hack smart-phones.

Fair enough …


And on another front … ?

You’ve probably noticed I’ve been adding the day’s teaser to YouTube, haven’t you … ?

I don’t know about you, but I couldn’t help but notice that not all the audio seemed to be exported when I used Keynote to export the presentation to a quicktime movie.

Which I’ve managed to solve by exporting it to iMovie!

I feel good about that.

I’ve even added sound effects.

Before I bore you with details, lets get moving on, shall we … ?

Yes, lets …


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Trevor and Kaiju putting in their answers: with both bagging 5 out of 5, it also saw Trevor quoting John F Kennedy, and Kaiju quietly telling us that Angela Merkal’s been manhandled by George W. Bush.

Presidents, eh, @Euthymios73 … ? And Kaiju, you right, they do seem to be going downhill …

Let’s see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we … ? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’ and License
Q1) 23rd, 1963, saw the BBC air the first episode of Dr Who: what was the name of that first episode … ?

Q2) 23rd November, 1976, saw the death of noted French author, André Malraux. As well as writing, he was also a French government minister: what was the first government post he was appointed to … ?

Q3) More to the point, who appointed Malraux to that post … ?

Q4) While we’re on a literary theme: 23rd November, 1990, saw the death of which children’s writer … ?

Q5) In the US, 23rd November is the earliest date that Black Friday can fall: Black Friday marks the start of what … ?

Q6) And finally … 23rd November, 1993, saw Rachel Whiteread win the Turner Prize for Modern art: and the K Foundation art award for what … ?

And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 22nd November, 1963, saw the death of President John F. Kennedy: what was the name of the Governor of Texas who was also seriously injured, that day … ?

A1) John Connally.

Q2) 22nd November, 1997, saw the death of which Australian rock star … ?
A2) Michæl Hutchence of INxs.

Q3) 22nd November, 1913, saw the birth of English composer, Benjamin Britten: which of his operas premiered in 1945?
A3) Peter Grimes.

Q4) 22nd November, 2005, saw who elected as the very first female German Chancellor … ?
A4) Angela Merkel.

Q5) And finally … 22nd November, 1974, saw the UN grant Observer status to who … ?
A5) The Palestinian Liberation Organisation.
Enjoy those, everyone.

Now, if you’ll excuse me … ? I’m going to try and hunt up that list of really silly sound effects …

1 comment:

  1. Q1 An Unearthly Child
    Q2 Minister of Information
    Q3 Charles André Joseph Marie de Gaulle
    Q4 Roald Dahl
    Q5 US Christmas Shopping season (in the UK it starts in August)
    Q6 worst artist of the year.


    "So, please, oh please, we beg, we pray, go throw your TV set away, and in its place you can install, a lovely bookcase on the wall."

    "Do you know what breakfast cereal is made of? It's made of all those little curly wooden shavings you find in pencil sharpeners!"

    "Two hours of writing fiction leaves this writer completely drained. For those two hours he has been in a different place with totally different people."

    “A person is a fool to become a writer. His only compensation is absolute freedom.”

    “All Norwegian children learn to swim when they are very young because if you can't swim it is difficult to find a place to bathe.”

    “I shot down some German planes and I got shot down myself, crashing in a burst of flames and crawling out, getting rescued by brave soldiers.”

    “A little nonsense now and then is relished by the wisest men.”

    Quotes by Roald Dahl died 23 November 1990.


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