
Sunday 21 November 2010

The Devil's Advocate: Hell’s A Popping …


You know, Movie Nights can be both a heck of a lot of fun, sometimes.

And — as I’m sure you’ve guessed by nowalso generate quite a bit of discussion.

Something of a relevant one, tonight, actually …

Maybe not one of any great merit in the sum total of everything that is Life, The Universe and Everything, but certainly one that’s relevantº …

Now, if you’ve been following me for a while, you’ll probably know that Kevin D, Movie Night Adrian and I get together — as frequently as we can — for a film.

The discussion … ?

Was triggered by our semi regular guest, Squeaky.

Who knew, bless her, that 1) I have a copy of the Al Pacino/Keanu Reeves film, The Devils Advocate, sitting around.

And 2) that we’ve been chewing over good on-screen performances as the Devil, now, for some time …



After all, there’s been a few that’s ben mentioned, over the past few months.

Adrian had bee umming and ahhing about Robert De Niro’s devilish performance as Mr Cyphre in Angel Heart, I’d always favoured Gabriel Byrne in End of Days, Kevin, bless him, always gives a brief nod to Jack Nicholson in The Witches of Eastwich. And Squeaky, Adrian and I all ticked Kevin off for not checking out Joseph Mawle’s nastily urban performance as Papa B, in Heartless.

But we near enough all agreed on one thing.

Near the top of anyone’s list of assorted devils …

Is a certain Mr Pacino in The Devil’s Advocate

The Devil’s Advocate sees’ Keanu Reeves playing lawyer, Kevin Lomax: an arrogant lawyer who — on winning his 65th case* in a row — is contacted by a representative from New York law firm, headed by John Milton, played by Al Pacino.

And offered a job. One that has both a huge salary on offer.

And more hidden extra’s than first revealed.


Now, I know that supernatural drama’s aren’t going to be everyone’s cup of tea.

But I’d seriously recommend The Devil’s Advocate to all and sundry.

For starters, the two male leads — Pacino and Reeves — put in great performances, Pacino in particular.

Arguably, his is one of the performances as the Devil.

For me, though … ?

An equally good performance was by Charlize Theron, as Mary Ann Lomax: slowly going mad, over the course of the film.


Right … !

Now here’s where I’m going to have to leave you.

After all, laundry does not do itself.

But one thought I will leave you with … ?

Go see The Devil’s Advocate.

* A rather nasty one involving a teacher accused of abusing a pupil.

º Along with one that wasn’t: mostly a variation of our old favourite, is cinema dead. Or game stores, in this case …

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