
Sunday 21 November 2010

The Daily Teaser …

You know, I’ve got the BBC News channel on the background: and I’ve got to admit, they’ve just done a piece on a celebrity auction in New York.

Of memorabilia,

Dead celebrity memorabilia …

The fact it’s selling off an x-ray of Einstein’s brain, a guitar that’s been signed by Johnny Cash and one of the pill bottles by Marilyn Monroe’s bedside, when her body was found … ?

Along with a Christmas card from Prince Charles and Princess Diana … ?

Is the icing on the very dead cake …

Lets get moving on, shall we … ?

Yes, I think we should …


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Kaiju giving us his answers: and bagging 4 out of 5.

Let’s see how he — and you — do with today’s questions: here they are, along with the ‘How To’ and License

Q1) 21st November, 1985, saw the closing of strategic talks between the US and the USSR: these generally finished well, but with still no agreement on what?

Q2) 21st November, 1932, saw the birth of the Liverpool-born author who won the Whitbread prize in 1977 and 1996: who was she … ?

Q3) More to the point, how many times was she nominated for the Booker Prize … ?

Q4) 21st November, 1924, saw the birth of author — and youngest son of J. R. R. Tolkien — Christopher Tolkien: which of his father’s works did he edit and release in 1977 … ?

Q5) 21st November, 1960, saw the first permanent ARPANET link, between UCLA … and where else … ?

Q6) And finally … 21st November, 1695, saw the death of which English composer … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 20th November, 284 AD, saw who named as Roman Emperor?

A1) Diocletian: otherwise known as the Dalmatian born Gaius Aurelius Valerius Diocletianus. (I’m gonna refrain from mentioning a certain Disney movie … … )

Q2) 20th November, 1975, saw the death of General Francisco Franco of Spain: who was his designated successor as ruler of Spain … ?
A2) Prince Juan Carlos de Borbón: better known, today, as King Juan Carlos 1st.

Q3) 20th November, 1984, saw the founding of which not-for-profit scientific institute?
A3) The SETI Institute.

Q4) 20th November, 1966, saw the official opening of which musical … ?
A4) Cabaret. (I saw an interview about the film version with the Divine Ms Minelli, recently: apparently, not only is she the only woman on stage during the iconic song, ‘Mine Herr’ but that seat was nailed down … )

Q5) And finally … 20th November, 1998, saw the launch of the first module of what … ?
A5) The International Space Station.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll catch you later …


  1. Q1 the "Star Wars" space defence system.
    Q2 Dame Beryl Margaret Bainbridge
    Q3 5 times
    Q4 The Silmarillion
    Q5 Stanford Research Institute (SRI)
    Q6 Henry Purcell


    “Being constantly with children was like wearing a pair of shoes that were expensive and too small. She couldn't bear to throw them out, but they gave her blisters.”

    “Everything else you grow out of, but you never recover from childhood.”

    “I've never been drawn to the feminist movement. I was brought up to believe that men had little to do with the home or children - except to bring in the money.”

    “It seems to me that a mutually beneficial relationship between a man and woman requires the man to be dominant. A sensible woman will allow the man to think he is the most important partner.”

    “When I got a telly we had no aerial, but I discovered that if I or one of the children stood by it you could get a picture. So I had to make a statue that could stand by the telly.”

    Quotes by Dame Beryl Margaret Bainbridge (English Novelist) born 21 November 1932).

  2. Hey! I didn't miss any on 11/20/2010. The doggie emperor had several variations on his Dalmatian name. I just randomly picked a couple... ;>

  3. Oh, I don’t know Kaiju: Wikipedia’s telling me it’s a town in Croatia: modern day Dalmatia …


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