
Sunday 21 November 2010

Parking, Merlin and Asking you a different question …

You know, I’ve got to confess that, right at the moment, I’m mentally thinking “Have I got time for a quick one? Have I … ? I have … ?”

And the logical follow on from that little lot … ?

Is to happily say “Goody Gum Drops” … !



It’s late, I’m in burble territory …

Like you can’t tell …


At any rate, I few I’d post up a few things, quickly and simply …

Firstly … ?

You remember me saying that I’d picked up a copy of iWorks ’09, a couple of days ago … ?

One thing I know I’ve had to do is update my CV, just recently: simply enough done, but now I’ve got it out of the way and backed up, I thought I’d have a look at the iWorks Resume templates, to see if I couldn’t come up with something a touch more …

Attractive …

It looks like I can. But one thing that has got me baffled … ?

Is the bit at the top of most of the template’s that says ‘Profile’.

I know what it is: a quicky summary about myself.

But what on Earth do I put in it … ?

I mean, it’s not exactly how I learnt to do a CV, when I was at school, lets put it that way.


If you can think of any (helpful) suggestions, I’d appreciate them.

We know how to leave comments, I hope … ? And when I say ‘Helpful*’, folks … !


Next up … ?

Is quite simple: bless her, I mailed Councillor Chilvers, earlier tonight: I’ve got a little idea brewing for a post, and asked her if she could dig up some details for me.

Which is when she pointed out that there’s a petition afoot, regarding my street.

What with one thing and another, it looks like the road will be adopted, but will also be having a repeat of some of the old problems, what with one thing and another.

But I’ll point you at her post: and the associated petition


And as a final thing … ?

You’ll’ve realised I’m something of a fan of Merlin, by now.

It’s not like it’s that hard to figure out …

And most of the time I try and do a review of a given night’s episode. And put up some footage, to make a point.

I didn’t get a chance to do that, last night

But I wanted to show you this scene, from last nights episode: mostly where it got me wondering if Bradley James is an Indiana Jones fan …

And do you remember me saying that — in this series — the writers have kept down the number of appearances by the Dragon?

When they have, though, it’s very dramatic to watch, I feel …

Oh, and as one last thing … ?

I happen to think this little bit was some thing of a cracker of a scene: The Sorcerer’s Shadow isn’t Love in the Time of Dragons. But this scene … ? Comes close …

Enjoy …

* The Movie Night Gang — and Teaser regulars — know who they are … and better get those looks off their faces …

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