
Wednesday 24 November 2010

The Gazette, The Station, and Feeling Conned …

You know, it’s been a while since I’ve written to the Gazette.

And been published, at any rate.

But …

Remember me writing about the petition signing event — rather quiet event, I should add — at Brentwood Station, a while back … ?

My word, but that’s generated some comment: elsewhere, if not here

And I’ve a confession to make …

I couldn’t resist putting in my tuppence ha’penny worth … !

Well, you wouldn’t, would you … ?

So here’s what I wrote to the Gazette, this time.
Dear Editor,

Can I make an admission, here, and admit that I feel vaguely conned … ?

By the Brentwood and Ongar Conservatives … ?

I was at their petition signing day, after being invited along by the owner of Vegas and I’ve got to admit, I believe that a lot of signatures were gathered by yours truly.

On the day itself … ?

I could well be wrong, here, but it seemed to me that — on the day — the only people actually collecting signatures for the petition were myself and Billy.

The three members of the local Conservatives — along with Councillor McKinley, herself — seemed more interested in handing out flyers advertising their own meetings.

And when I raised the idea of maybe asking ward councillors from other parties along, to at least give the impression of cross-party support … ?

I was politely and graciously fobbed off.

Now, all questions aside of who’s stealing credit from who, or whether the much-needed lifts can be installed at the station — something I doubt, given the station’s layout — I feel vaguely conned.

Now, I’ve often said I can’t stand the coalition government: mostly on the basis of Conservative involvement in it.

This … ?

Only reinforces my personal belief that voting Conservative … is voting for nasty pieces of work.
Now, I don’t know if that’ll make it into next week’s Gazette — lord knows they’ve devoted enough to it — but I hope so.

I think I may have a point.

Even if it’s a heavily disguised one about politicians jumping on bandwagons …

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