
Thursday 30 December 2010

The Daily Teaser …

You know, you can tell it’s getting near that time of year, can’t you … ?

Bless ’em, the BBC have just run an article …

I think I personally … ?

Am resolved to be more something, and lose a touch of something else.

I don’t actually think it matter’s what, does it?

It’s the fact we make a resolution to do something that’s important.

That that I think it matters.

Apparently, something like 90% of us give them up, after a week …

Let’s move on, shall we … ?

Yes, lets … !


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Tim*, Kaiju and Trevor all putting in their answers. It saw Trevor bagging 5 out of 5, Kaiju bagging 3, and Tim scoring 2. On top of that, it also saw Trevor quoting both Andrew Johnson and Charles Goodyear, and Kaiju telling us some of the more … ahh … lurid stories about that drugs bust! (Chaps, remind me to dig up Rainy Day Women #12 & 35.)

Let’s see how they — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we … ? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) 30th December, 1922, saw the establishment of which communist country … ?

Q2) 30th December, 1927, saw the opening of the first underground railway in Asia: but in which city was this … ?

Q3) More to the point, what was that tube line’s name … ?

Q4) 30th December, 1946, saw the birth of American singer/songwriter, Patti Smith: what was her biggest solo UK hit … ?

Q5) 30th December, 1916, saw the coronation of the last king of which East European country … ?

Q6) 30th December, 1996, saw the death of actor, Jack Nance: in which film did he play vacationing printer, Henry Spencer?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 29th December, 2000, saw Britain grind to a halt, after being covered by … what … ?
A1) Snow. (Again … )

Q2) 29th December, 19984, saw who win a landslide majority in the Indian General Election … ?
Q2) Rajiv Gandhi.

Q3) 29th December, 2003, saw the death of the last speaker of which Sami language … ?
A3) Akkala Sami. (Marja Sergina was the last known native speaker … )

Q4) 29th December, 1947, saw the birth of noted rock drummer, Cozy Powell: who played bass guitar on his one big solo hit, Dance with the Devil … ?
A4) Suzi Quartro.

Q5) And finally … 29th December, 1946, saw the birth of singer and actress, Marianne Faithfull: along with a rug, what else was she allegedly found with, during that notorious drugs bust …
A5) A Mars bar …
Enjoy those, everyone, I’ll catch you later …

*Welcome back, Tim: you’re up against a couple of the more formidable players … ! Oh, and about the Mars Bars … ? Faithfull says she was nowhere near it …

1 comment:

  1. Q1 Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) - Soyuz Sovietskikh Sotsialisticheskikh Respublik
    Q2 Tokyo, Japan
    Q3 Ginza Line (Ginza-sen)
    Q4 "Because the Night"
    Q5 Hungary
    Q6 Eraserhead


    “As I get older, I just prefer to knit.”

    “I hate clowns.”

    “I think serial monogamy says it all.”

    “I worked with Paul McCartney for a while and saw what it does to you to be treated like a god for twenty years.”

    “My influences were Peter Sellers and the great British character actors.”

    “Why does everyone think the future is space helmets, silver foil, and talking like computers, like a bad episode of Star Trek?”

    “The show I did in England catered to a broad range of people. I like that. I don't want nouveau cult status, though I know we've got that sort of audience in the states.”

    Quotes by Tracey Ullman (British Actress & Comedienne) born 30th December 1959.


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