
Saturday 15 January 2011

The Daily Teaser …

Wowsa …

I’ll be honest, here, I’ve got a TV show on in the background, that I taped, last night: BBC4’s documentary about Chess Records.

My lord … !

They’ve just got Chuck D, Mick Hucknell and Jimmy Page raving about Bo Diddley*.

Ye gods, you can see why … !

Or, at least you will, if I can find a video to put up … !

Lets get moving on, shall we … ?

Before I get immersed


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Kaiju — who’s off on holiday this weekend — putting in his answers, scoring 5 out of 5 and beating his own speed record.

Lets see how everyone does with today’s questions, shall we … ?

Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) 15th January, 1559, saw the coronation of Elizabeth 1st: but in which London church?

Q2) 15th January, 1889, saw the incorporation of the Coca-Cola Company: how was it then known … ?

Q3) 15th January, 2001, saw which website formally go online … ?

Q4) More to the point, the first four letters of that website’s name is the Hawaiian word meaning … what … ?

Q5) 15th January, 1965, saw the birth of actor, James Nesbitt: for which TV series did he win a British Comedy ‘Best Actor’ Award, in 1999?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 14th January, 2005, saw the landing of the Huygens probe: where … ?
A1) Saturn’s largest moon, Titan.

Q2) 14th January, 2002, saw the UK declared free of which disease … ?
Q2) Foot and Mouth: also called Hoof and Mouth in the US.

Q3) 14th January, 1969, saw who step down as manager of Manchester United … ?
A3) Matt Busby.

Q4) 14th January, 1938, saw Norway claim Queen Maud Land in Antarctica: what’s the main intercontinental airport in Queen Maud Land?
A4) Troll Airport.

Q5) And finally … 14th January, 2004, saw which former Soviet Republic adopt the 500-year-old Five Crosses Flag as its national flag … ?
A5) Georgia.
Enjoy those, everyone.

I’ll leave you with a tune or two …

* Oh, and Chuck Berry. Ye gods, Chuck Berry … !


  1. Q1 The Collegiate Church of St Peter at Westminster, commonly called Westminster Abby.
    Q2 Pemberton Medicine Company
    Q3 Wikipedia
    Q4 Quick
    Q5 Cold Feet


    “The function of a genius is not to give new answers, but to pose new questions which time and mediocrity can resolve.”

    Quotes by Hugh Redwald Trevor-Roper, Baron Dacre of Glanton (English Historian) born 15 January 1914


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