
Thursday 3 February 2011

The Daily Teaser …

Hmmm …

Well, there’s a thing …

Looks like Movie Night Adrian’s gone and done the one thing he swore he wouldn’t, and joined Facebook!

It certainly surprised me.

And going by their comments, Kevin D and Tootles Sarah, as well … !

Way it goes …

Lets get moving on, shall we … ?

Before I start poking people …


Yesterday’s Teaser was a quiet one: with nobody putting in any answers, it leaves wondering if Trevor’s ok …

At any rate, let’s see how you do with today’s questions: here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) 3rd February, 1960, saw Harold MacMillan make the famous ‘Winds of Change’ speech: in which African country was he, when he made that speech … ?

Q2) 3rd February, 1971, saw who shot in a drugs bust in Brooklyn … ?

Q3) 3rd February, 1918, saw the Twin Peaks Tunnel in San Francisco, go into service as the world’s longest tunnel for what: cars, trains or trams … ?

Q4) 3rd February, 1958, saw the formal founding of the Benelux Economic Union: name any of the three countries involved in that union.

Q5) And finally … 3rd February, 1809 saw the creation of the Illinois Territory: parts of which are now Illinois, eastern Minnesota, western Michigan … and which other US State … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 2nd February, 1949, saw the birth of actor, Brent Spiner: what’s the name of his character in Star Trek: The Next Generation … ?
A1) Lieutenant Commander Data.

Q2) 2nd February, 1943, saw the end of a major battle/siege around which Russian city … ?
Q2) Stalingrad.

Q3) How is that Russian city now known … ?
A3) Volgograd.

Q4) Following on from that: which West Midlands city is the Russian one in q2 twinned with … ?
A4) Coventry. (Trevor! Punchline, NOW!!)

Q5) 2nd February, 1653, saw the city of New Amsterdam first formally incorporated: better known now as New York, of course, the town was originally built on which of New York’s islands … ?
A5) Manhattan.

Q6) And finally … 2nd February, 1812, saw Fort Ross, California, established as a fur trading settlement … by which country … ?
A6) Russia.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll catch you later …

1 comment:

  1. 1. South Africa
    2. Frank Serpico
    3. Light rail
    4. Belgium (and the Netherlands and Luxembourg)
    5. Wisconsin


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