
Sunday 13 February 2011

The Daily Teaser …

Hmmmm …

You know, I’ve got to confess, I’ve got the news on, this morning.

And bless ’em, the BBC News channel’s just had a piece about how internet scammers have found a new way of exploiting people.

Quite simply …

By using internet dating sites.

Seemingly, one of the regional news-programmes had an article on the subject, last week: today’s was something of a follow up, telling us of a man and a woman who’s been conned.

Makes you think, doesn’t it … ?

Certainly adds a new terror to the internet, I know that much …

Lets get moving on, shall we … ?

Yes, lets …


Yesterday’s Teaser was a quiet one, with just Debbi putting in her answers: saying that, Debbi managed both to score 5 out of 5, and put in a lot of detail about the UK’s Atomic Energy Authority, and let us know what she thought of No Country For Old Men.

Lets see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we … ? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) 13th February, 1978, saw who named as ITN’s first female newsreader … ?

Q2) 13th February, 1942, saw the birth of which member of The Monkees … ?

Q3) More to the point, which instrument did he usually play … ?

Q4) 13th February, 1961, saw the announcement that Patrice Lumumba was dead: which African nation had he been Prime Minister of … ?

Q5) 13th February, 2004, saw the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics announce the discovery of white dwarf star, BPM 37093: also known as ‘Lucy’, BPM 37093 is the largest known what to science … ?

Q6) And finally … 13th February, 1970, saw the release of what’s considered to be the world’s first Heavy Metal album: what was that album’s title … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 12th February, 1912, saw the abdication of the last Emperor of … where … ?
A1) China.

Q2) 12th February, 1968, saw the birth of actor, Josh Brolin: in which Coen Brothers film did he play Llewelyn Moss?
Q2) No Country for Old Men.

Q3) 12th February, 1954, saw the founding of the UKAEA: this was set up to oversee Britain’s … what … ?
A3) Use and development of atomic energy.

Q4) 12th February, 1816, saw the Teatro di San Carlo — Europe’s oldest working opera house — destroyed by fire: in which Italian city is the Teatro di San Carlo … ?
A4) Naples.

Q5) 12th February, 2001, saw the NEAR Shoemaker probe become the first human object to land on what … ?
A5) An asteroid. (433 Eros, to be exact.)
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll catch you later …

1 comment:

  1. 1. Anna Ford

    2. Peter Halsten Thorkelson, aka, Peter Tork (the Monkee equivalent of Ringo, personality-wise lol)

    3. Usually he played bass, though he was skilled in playing many instruments, including guitar, keyboards, banjo, harpsichord, and others

    4. The Congo

    5. Diamond (Good grief! Talk about Diamonds are Forever :))

    6. Black Sabbath


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