
Wednesday 23 February 2011

The Daily Teaser …

You know, I’ve got to admit, I’ve got a documentary on, at the moment.

One I’d taped, a couple of nights ago, from BBC 4, along about the double-agent code-named Garbo.

And one who’d managed to seriously convinced the German High Command that D-Day — when it came — would come at Pas de Calais.

Rather than Normandy …

Makes you think, doesn’t it … ?


Lets move on, shall we … ?

Yes, lets … !

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi putting in her answers: along with feeling pleased her new book is now an official Best Seller — and available here in the UK — she also managed to bag 5 out of 5.

Let me know when the UK paperback edition comes out, Debbi: I think I’m going to have to see if the library’s got a copy, now! Just to keep up … !

Lets she how she — and you — managed with today’s questions, shall we … ? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) 23rd February, 632 Ad, saw the Prophet’s Last Sermon to the Muslim faithful: what’s the Arabic term for this sermon … ?

Q2) 23rd February, 1947, saw the founding of the International Organization for Standardization: what’s the usual acronym for that body … ?

Q3) 23rd February, 1981, saw the start of an attempted coup in Spain: triggered by an armed takeover attempt of which government building … ?

Q4) More to the point, who famously helped quash this attempt, with a overnight TV appeal … ?

Q5) And finally … 23rd February, 1846, saw which theologian join the Roman Catholic Church … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 22nd February, 1955, saw Maureen Connolly retire: from which sport … ?
A1) Tennis.

Q2) More to the point, what was her nickname … ?
Q2) Little Mo’.

Q3) 22nd February, 1979, saw which Caribbean island achieve independence from the UK … ?
A3) Saint Lucia.

Q4) 22nd February, 1950, saw the birth of actress, Julie Walters: in which film did she play Liverpudlian hairdresser, Susan White … ?
A4) Educating Rita.

Q5) Three years later, 22nd February, 1953, saw the birth of actor, Nigel Planer: which member of The Young Ones did he play … ?

Q6) And finally … 22nd February, 2002, saw the death of which American animator … ?
A6) Chuck Jones.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll catch you later … !


  1. I poked my head up from doing a dozen income tax returns to see the photo of Jude. Gee Goodness he is a cutie! He looks like the Gerber Baby! are my responses, one of which is a shear guess...

    1. Khutbatul Wada’
    2. ISO
    3. 23-F, led by El Tejerazo (Antonio Tejero)...bursting into the Spanish Congress of Deputies by a group of 200 armed officers of the Guardia Civil during the process of electing Leopoldo Calvo Sotelo to be the country's new Prime Minister.
    4. King Juan Carlos I
    5. Saint Thomas Aquinas

  2. He is that, yeah … !

    Oh and Q3 … ?

    Was quite a guess … …

  3. 1. Khutbah
    2. ISO
    3. The parliamentary chamber building
    4. King Juan Carlos
    5. John Henry Newman, aka, Cardinal Newman

    Great cartoon, BTW! A classic. :)

    I'll let you know when my latest book is available in print in the UK. My bad that it isn't now. Long story. :(

    However, my first novel Identity Crisis is available in paperback. OK. Commercial over. :)

  4. Blimey, had to look that up, Kaiju: but yeaah, point taken: I don’t think he’s reached the Pears Soap stage, though …

    And quit worrying, Debbi … !

    I’m nothing if not a shameless self promoter: just with nowt to sell except opinion and Teasers … !


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