
Saturday 12 March 2011

The Daily Teaser …

Hmmm …

Wouldn’t you know it?

The only thing to knock Libya from the BBC’s metaphorical front page … ?

Is the news about the earthquake — and subsequent tsunami* — in Japan.

I’m thinking, here, that Japan’s a tough nation.

This is tough.

Very tough.

But — pausing briefly to offer my condolences to those who’ve lost family members — I’m also thinking that Japan, as a nation, will survive this.

The worrying thing about this … ?

Is the fact the Fukushima 1 and 2 nuclear reactors seem to be having troubleº.

That’s a definite worry …


Lets get moving on, shall we … ?

Yes, lets …

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi and Kaiju putting in their answers: with Kaiju bagging 4 out of 5, and Debbi bagging 5, it also saw Debbi referring us to this link, about Infosys.

Lets see how they — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we … ? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) 12th March, 1969, saw Paul McCartney marry Linda Eastman, as she then was, in a civil ceremony at which London Register’s Office … ?

Q2) 12th March, 1938, saw German troops occupy where … ?

Q3) 12th March, 1964, saw which US state become the first to legally sell lottery tickets … ?

Q4) 12th March, 1964, saw which US state become the first to legally sell lottery tickets … ?

Q5) That same country also became a republic on March 12th: but in which year … ?

Q6) And finally … 12th March, 1994, saw which Church ordain its first female priests … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 11th March, 1985, saw Mikhail Gorbechev become General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union: who was his immediate predecessor?
A1) Konstantin Chernenko.

Q2) 11th March, 1387, saw the City-state of Padua win a battle against its rival, Verona: what was the name of the English mercenary in charge of Paduan forces … ?
Q2) Sir John Hawkwood.

Q3) 11th March, 1983, saw Pakistan conduct a successful test of what: a nuclear weapon, a nuclear reactor or a rocket?
A3) A nuclear weapon.

Q4) 11th March, 1955, saw the death of bacteriologist, Sir Alexander Fleming: which antibiotic was one of his discoveries … ?
A4) Penicillin.

Q5) And finally … 11th March, 1999, saw which company become the first Indian corporation to be listed on the NASDAQ Stock Exchange?
A5) Infosys.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll catch you later …

After I’ve got this song memorised, I want to try and sing it to Jude, at some point …

* I’d hate to try and say in a hurry … !
º Oh, hang on … One of the BBC’s announcers has just informed us of unconfirmed news — via the Reuters agency — that there’s been some sort of explosion at Fukushima 1. Sounds like the balloon’s gone up …

1 comment:

  1. 1. Marylebone
    2. Austria
    3. New Hampshire

    Q4) 12th March, 1964, saw which US state become the first to legally sell lottery tickets … ?

    Q5) That same country also became a republic on March 12th: but in which year … ?

    Houston, I think we have a problem. :) #4 is the same as #3 and #5 refers to something else entirely, I think.

    Anyhow, continuing on ...

    6. Church of England.

    One more thing. Major news (in my life, anyhow) that probably won't make the BBC. Check out #35. I still can't believe it.


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