
Saturday 19 March 2011

The Daily Teaser …

Bleaugh …

I hate Saturday mornings …

Mind you, I’ve also got to admit, I’m also usually not one for Red Nose Nose Day.

Mind you … they do usually do a Dr Who special, every so often: which I actually missed, last night.

Because I was was watching the repeat of The Time Of Angels on BBC 3 …

Thank heavens for YouTube is all I can add … !

As it turns out … ?

The two mini-episodes were rather fun: thank heavens for Steven Moffat’s habit of knocking out a good one … !

Lets get moving on, shall we … ?


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi and Kaiju putting in their answers: it also saw both — facing the fiddly question 5 — bagging 6 out of six. Both Kaiju and Debbi managed to highlight that one, and it’s associated Wikipedia page … ! And, yes, chaps, I meant March, in question 6! I think, Kaiju, you’re not the only one needing to remember glasses … !

Lets see how they — and you and me — do with today’s questions, shall we … ? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) 19th March, 1920, saw the US Senate reject the Treaty of Versailles: was this for the first, second or third time … ?

Q2) 19th March, 1987, saw Jam Bakker resign one of his post over an ongoing sex-scandal: the man he handed the post to, Jerry Falwell, once famously accused Tinky Winky the Teletubby of being what … ?

Q3) 19th March, 1976, saw Buckingham Palace announce the divorce of whom … ?

Q4) 19th March, 1992, saw Buckingham Palace announce the divorce of whom … ?

Q5) And finally … 19th March, 2002, saw which African nation suspended from the Commonwealth, for electoral fraud and human rights abuses … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers. I was counting the various forms of French used on the Channel Islands as one language, and Scots and Ulster Scot under English, as an old neighbour of mine — a qualified linguist and philologist — did likewise* …
Q1) 18th March, 1950, saw the government of which European country collapse, after voting for its king, Leopold 3rd, return from exile … ?
A1) Belgium.

Q2) 18th March, 1992, saw which African nation vote for major government reform … ?
Q2) South Africa.

Q3) 18th March, 1989, saw a buried mummy found near which of the three main pyramids of the Giza Necropolis … ?
A3) The Great Pyramid: or Great Pyramid of Khufu/Cheops.

Q4) 18th March, 2003, saw what recognised as an official British language … ?
A4) British Sign Language.

Q5) More to the point, how many languages are native to the British Isles … ? (Not counting Scots or Ulster Scots, both descended from Northumbrian English, but counting the dialects of French spoken on the Channel Isles as just one language … )
A5) Eight. English, Irish Gaelic, Scots Gaelic, Welsh, Manx, Cornish, Jersey Legal French, the standardised version … and British Sign Language. (I’m counting the four or five dialects of French as one language: )

Q6) And finally … 18th March, 37 AD, saw the Roman Senate proclaim who as Roman Emperor … ?
A6) Caligula.
Enjoy those, everyone, I’ll catch you later …

* As I recall, he also claimed that there was a lot of argument about line between dialect and language …


  1. Q1 - THIRD!
    Q2 - FAIRY!
    Q3 - THE QUEEN!
    Q5 - SAVANA?!

  2. 1. second time
    2. homosexual
    3. Princess Margaret and Lord Snowden
    4. The Duke and Duchess of York (Prince Andrew and Sarah Ferguson, aka, Fergie :))
    5. Zimbabwe


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