
Sunday 27 March 2011

The Daily Teaser …

Blimey …

I’m thinking, here, that it’s now officially summer time, at least here in the UK.

And all because the clocks went forward, last night.


We’re now on British Summer Time.

Not that you}d know it, looking out of my front room window.

I think ‘overcast’ is definitely the word … !

Lets get moving on, shall we … ?

Yes, lets … !


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi, bless ’er, putting in her answers: along with scoring 5 out of 5, it also saw her managing to leave me a comment on this post.

Let’s see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, license and video

Q1) 27th March, 2000, saw the death of singer/songwriter, band leader and actor, Ian Dury*: what was the name of his first UK No. 1, with The Blockheads … ?

Q2) 27th March saw Russian citizens vote in the first multi-party Soviet Elections: in which year of the 1980s … ?

Q3) 27th March, 1958, saw Nikita Khrushchev names as Premier — or Chairman of the Council of Ministers, if you’re being picky — of the USSR: which other title did he hold … ?

Q4) 27th March, 1309, saw Pope Clement 5th excommunicate which Italian city-state … ?

Q5) 27th March, 1998, saw the US Food and Drug Administration approve the use of which drug … ?

Q6) And finally … 27th March, 1935, saw the birth of English actor, Julian Glover: in which Bond film did he play Aristotle Kristatos … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 26th March, 1839, saw the first Henley Royal what, held … ?
A1) Regatta.

Q2) Nine years’ earlier, 26th March, 1830, saw the first publication of what, in New York … ?
Q2) The Book of Mormon.

Q3) 26th March, 1991, saw Mercosur — the Southern Common Market — established by the signing of the Treaty of Asunción: name any of the four South American countries that signed the Treaty of Asunción.
A3) Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and Paraguay.

Q4) 26th March, 1973, saw which London institution admit women to its trading floor … ?
A4) The London Stock Exchange. (Glad I corrected meself, there, I almost wrote that down as the London Stick Exchange: giving me weird mental images of people in loud blazers, swapping twigs … )

Q5) And finally … 26th March, 1940, saw the birth of the amateur Rodeo rider known variously as either ‘The Kosher Cowboy’, or ‘The Jewish Cowboy’: who is he … ?
A5) Actor, James Caan.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll catch you all, later … !

* Interesting story for you: The Blockheads, Ian Dury’s old backing band, were impressed by Andy Serkis’ performance as Dury in the 2010 film, Sex & Drugs & Rock & Roll. So impressed that they took him on the next tour. Sod the Oscar for Best Actor, THAT’S what I call an award!

1 comment:

  1. Sod the Oscar for Best Actor, THAT’S what I call an award!

    Hear, hear! I'd say so! :)

    But on to the questions. Right!

    1. "Hit Me With Your Rhythm Stick"
    2. 1989 (tough to find the answer -- my source was:
    3. First Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union
    4. Venice
    5. Viagra
    6. For Your Eyes Only


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