
Monday 14 March 2011

Outcasts Episode: Am I Bothered, Though … ?

You know, I’ve GOT to confess that, right now … ?

Right now, I definitely need a new kettle.

The one I’ve GOT has gone for a Burton.

The net immediate result … ?

Is the cuppa that’s sitting next to me … ?

Is one I made the hard way.

With two level spoonfuls of sugar, a teabag, a mug, a spoon …

And a small milk-pan to boil the water with.

An ambidextrous milk-pan, I should add.

I’m left handed.

Having a milk-pan you can pour with either hand is both as rare as rocking-horse poo.

And something I treasure!

But let me get to the meat of the post, if I may … ?

Yes, I think I may …


You see, getting back from my Mum’s, after having Sunday dinner … ?

I caught what’s been my usual Sunday TV shows, for the past few weeks.

And … ?

To be as blunt as I try to aim to be, here, I’m thinking that Being Human has shown itself to be the far better effort, in my humble opinion*.

The whole of series three of Being Human has …

Especially when you compare it with the other piece of genre fiction that the BBC has been showing us, over the past few weeks.

Hmmm …

Tonight’s finale shows us Julius Berger’s attempts to take over Forthaven, seemingly the only human city on Carpathia.

Against the backdrop of a resurgent C23 virus.

One that seems to have originated from the native aliens on Carpathia, the beings that President Tate and co have dubbed the “Host Force”.


Now, I’ve got to admit …

I’m …

Well, I’m none to sure how I feel about episode 8 of Outcasts.

You see, I’m thinking 8 is a definite improvement on most of the preceding episodes, I am.

It polishes things off, nicely.

But also sets up things for a second series.

Being frank, here, I’m not convinced that it deserves one.

As I’ve said, a couple of episodes — 5, 7 and 8 — have been fairly good, compared to the rest of this first season.

But having seen episodes 1 and 2, I also can appreciate exactly why many people weren’t afraid to quietly — if not necessarily publicly — say they were disappointed.

Bless him, Outcasts Adrian definitely left me a couple of good comments, expressing his dissatisfaction.

I’m thinking, here, if Outcasts and Being Human one of the movies I and the gang watched, frankly it wouldn’t be getting much in the way of stars.

Season 3 of Being Human … ?

Would be getting “GO GET NOW”: ★★★★

Series 1 of Outcasts, on the other hand … ?

A series that had interesting ideas and characters, but such iffily executed ones … ?

“Nice, but forgettable” ★☆☆☆

And add my hopes that the BBC don’t commission a second series.

I think they’d be wasting license-fee payers money.



Liam Cunningham

Richard Tate

Hermione Norris

Stella Isen

Daniel Mays

Cass Cromwell

Amy Manson

Fleur Morgan

Ashley Walters

Jack Holt

Eric Mabius

Julius Berger

Langley Kirkwood


Michael Legge

Tipper Malone

Jeanne Kietzmann

Lily Isen

Moshidi Motshegwa

Dr Desta


Jamie Payne


Radford Neville


Ben Richards

* Is it me, or is “In My Humble Opinion” the silliest phrase … ? I mean, when was the last time any of us had a “humble” opinion? Seriously … ?

1 comment:

  1. * Is it me, or is “In My Humble Opinion” the silliest phrase … ? I mean, when was the last time any of us had a “humble” opinion? Seriously … ?


    Yeah, I suppose you're right. :)


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