
Monday 14 March 2011

The Daily Teaser …

You know, I hate — hate — getting up late, I really do … !

But … ?

But being honest, I did have something of a busy day, yesterday: I got called into work, to cover for someone going off ill, had Sunday dinner at me mothers — blagging a few photos of Jude in the process — and managed to do a couple of posts, as well.

The one about Outcasts … ?

Was officially done at Stupid o’clock.

What can I tell you … ?

Apart from “Lets move on, shall we … ?”


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi putting her answers: along with scoring 5 out of 6, it also saw her putting in a couple of links about Uranus. Let’s see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we … ? here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) According to Larry Shaw of the San Francisco Exploratorium, 14th March is what … ?

Q2) 14th March, 1794, saw Eli Whitney patent which industrial device … ?

Q3) 14th March, 1978, saw the Israeli Defense Force occupy the southern parts of which country … ?

Q4) In Ancient Rome, 14th March was the Second Equirria, a holy day in celebration of which Roman God … ?

Q5) And finally … 14th March, 1941, saw the birth of film director, Wolfgang Petersen: which of his World War 2 movies received two Oscar nominations … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers: um … Q2, Debbi …
Q1) 13th March, 1781, saw William Herschel discover Uranus: what did he originally plan to name it … ?
A1) Georgium Sidus, or George’s Star.

Q2) More to the point, Uranus was the Roman God of what … ?
Q2) Absolutely nowt: Uranus was the Greek god of the sky.

Q3) While we’re being scientific … 13th March, 2003, saw Nature magazine announce the discovery of 350,000 year old footprints in which country … ?
A3) Italy.

Q4) 13th March,1921, saw which country declare its independence from China … ?
A4) Mongolia.

Q5) 13th March, 1970, saw the Conservatives win in the Bridgewater by-election: this by election was noted for being the first time who could vote in a UK election … ?
A5) 18-year-olds.

Q6) And finally … 13th March, 1947, saw which musical make its Broadway début … ?
A6) Brigadoon.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll catch you later.

Once I’ve played you out with Jasper Carrott: it is his birthday, after all …

1 comment:

  1. 1. Pi Day
    2. The cotton gin
    3. Lebanon
    4. Mars
    5. Das Boot

    On yesterday's question 2, I was kind of wondering what was up. You sly trickster, you. :)


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