
Saturday 2 April 2011

The Daily Teaser

Hmmm …

Now, there’s a thing …

You’ve probably worked out that — over the years — that I’ll usually have either the news on in the background, while I’m writing these posts.

Or I’ll be keeping an ear on Yesterday, one of Britain’s Freeview channel’s: and one that’s — obviously — a channel devoted to historical documentaries.

The one Yesterday’s showing at the moment … ? Is all about German PoW camp, Oflag IV-C.

Better known as Colditz … !

And subject of at least 4 books, several websites … and at least one well known TV series.

Although I’ve got to admit, I personally can’t watch TV serials about World War 2, without think of Armstrong & Miller’s stranger set of sketches …

But let’s get moving on, shall we … ?

Before I get two enthusiastic … !


Yesterday’s April Fool’s Day Teaser was that rarest of things, an All Ladies Teaser: it saw both Debbi* and Serendipity* putting in their answers, with both bagging 10 out of 10! Lets see how they — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) 2nd April, 1513, saw the first European to step on the shore of Florida: what was his name … ?

Q2) 2nd April, 1984, saw who become the first Indian in space … ?

Q3) More to the point, which country’s ship was he on … ?

Q4) 2nd April, 1914, saw the birth of actor, Sir Alec Guinness: in which 1979 TV series did he play George Smiley … ?

Q5) 2nd April, 2005, saw the death of Pope John Paul 2nd, who was the pope with the second longest reign in Vatican history: who held Saint Peter’s throne for the longest … ?

Q6) And finally … 2nd April, 1989, saw Mikhail Gorbachev arrive in which country’s capital city, ahead of a meeting with its leader … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 1st April, 1993, saw DJ Dave Rickards claim that what would be landing at the small airfield at Montgomery Fields?
A1) The Space Shuttle Columbia: I don’t think he out-did the traffic jams caused by Orson Welles’ performance of War of the Worlds.

Q2) 1st April, 1969, a Dutch TV presenter gave a news item on TV License fee evasion: and claimed the detection equipment could be fooled if TV owners wrapped their TV sets in … what … ?
Q2) Aluminium foil: seemingly, the next day saw many Dutch shops sell out of tin-foil … … Hmmm … (Personally … ? A friend of mine told me you could pick up wi-fi signals with some copper wiring and a wing-nut, connected to a USB plug at one end … and with the wing-nut screwed into the base of an empty Pringles tin … )

Q3) 1st April, 2003, saw many Chinese and Korean websites claim that who had been assassinated … ?
A3) Bill Gates.

Q4) 1st April, 1996, saw who claim to have bought the US Liberty Bell … ?
A4) Fast food chain, Taco Bell.

Q5) 1st April, 1976, saw a BBC Radio 2 broadcast claim that — to due a unique alignment of Jupiter and Pluto — people would be able to jump in the air and experience a “strange floating sensation” at 9:47am: which noted astronomer presented this piece … ?
A5) Sir Patrick Moore.

Q6) 1st April, 1992, saw radio show Talk of the Nation claim who would be running for US President … ?
A6) Richard Nixon: complete with the alleged phrase, “I won’t Do It Again”.

Moving to the serious stuff …

Q7) 1st April, 1999, saw the UK get its first, legally binding, what … ?
A7) Minimum wage.

Q8) 1st April, 1948, saw the birth of the Honourable James Chambers, OM: he is, of course, better known as which Jamaican singer … ?
A8) Jimmy Cliff.

Q9) 1st April, 2001, saw same-sex marriage become legal in the first country, anywhere, to legalise it: which European country was it … ?
A9) The Netherlands.

Q10) And finally … 1st April, 1948, saw the Farœ Island become independent from where … ?
A10) Denmark.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll catch you later … !

* Actually, both Serendipity and Debbi are on Twitter: look out for @yearning4d_sky and @debbimack. Not that there’s a ‘Follow Saturdayº’ hashtag, but the thought’s there …

º Follow Friday’ is a bit of Twitter tradition: you Tweet the names of your favourite followers — on Friday’s, obviously — followed by a relevant hashtag.

1 comment:

  1. 1. Juan Ponce de Leon
    2. Rakesh Sharma
    3. Soviet Union
    4. Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy (BTW, I'm a HUGE le Carre fan!)
    5. Pius IX
    6. Cuba


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