
Saturday 9 April 2011

The Daily Teaser.

You know, I’ve got to mention this, I really have.

Did you know it’s Tom Lehrer’s birthday, today … ?

He’s a bit of a cult superstar, he really is, after writing a heck of lot of satirical songs, waaaaaaay back in the day.

And I’ve got to confess, the song of his I’m using in today’s Teaser movie … ?

Is a personal favourite of mine called Poisoning Pigeons In The Park.

Quite a fun one, I always think …

Lets move on, shall we … ?

Before I burst into a brief rendition of I Got It From Agnes


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi putting her answers in: along with scoring 6 out of 6, she’s also managed to share a bit of rather good news, that her first book, Identity Crisis, made it into the Amazon eBooks UK Top 100. Here’s hoping it stays in a little further … !

At any rate, lets see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we … ? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) 9th April, 2003, saw whose statue famously toppled … ?

Q2) 9th April, 1511, saw The College of St John the Evangelist — originally founded by Lady Margaret Beaufort — receive its Charter: but is it in Cambridge, Oxford or Bristol … ?

Q3) 9th April, 1682, saw Robert Cavelier de La Salle discover the mouth of which river … ?

Q4) More to the point, what did he call the region — and French territory — surrounding it … ?

Q5) During World War 2, 9th April, 1940 saw Germany invade two countries: name either …

Q6) And finally … 9th April, 1975, saw the birth of footballer, Robbie Fowler: with which English team did he start his career … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 8th April, 1943, saw the birth of noted politician, Tony Banks: which government department was he named Minister of, when Labour won the 1997 General Election … ?
A1) The Department of Culture Media and Sport.

Q2) More to the point, where was he MP of, from 1997 to 2005, when he stood down … ?
Q2) West Ham.

Q3) 8th April, 1730, saw the dedication of Shearith Israel, the first synagogue built in which US city … ?
A3) New York.

Q4) 8th April, 1336, saw the birth of Timur, or Tamerlane, as he’s sometimes known: in which Russian film is he named as the owner of the fiction magical item, the Chalk of Fate … ?
A4) Day Watch: or Dnevnoy dozor, Дневной дозор, in the original Russian.

Q5) 8th April, 1975, saw Frank Robinson manage his team, in the first game of Major league baseball to have an Afro-American manager: what was his team … ?
A5) The Cleveland Indians.

Q6) And finally … 8th April, 2008, saw the completion of the Bahrain World Trade centre, the first large building anywhere to include … what … ?
A6) Wind turbines.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll catch you later … !

1 comment:

  1. Hello! First, the answers.

    1. Saddam Hussein
    2. Cambridge
    3. Mississippi
    4. Louisiana
    5. Denmark and Norway
    6. Liverpool

    Okay. Second, good news. The book's rank went up! :-D

    Wow ...


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