
Tuesday 19 April 2011

In Memorium: Elisabeth Sladen, 1 February 1948 - 19 April 2011.

Oh, that that’s sad, that really is …

I’ve got to admit, I’ve had a bad day, today: mostly marred, as I’ve had some very unwelcome and unwanted news, on a personal front.

I’ve got to admit, I wasn’t feeling too stunning, and had gone out for a walk, to try and lift my spirits.

And … ?

Well, I’ll be frank, I started to get a bit of news, via Trevor, over on Facebook, and Councillor Chilvers, on Twitter.

Sadly … ?

Elisabeth Sladen, best known as Sarah Jane Smith, in both Doctor Who and The Sarah Jane Adventures, has died, today, of cancer.

At the comparatively young age of 63.

Now, I’ll admit to mixed feelings: coming after a bad bit of news for myself, I actually felt — rather shamefully to admit — that I felt vaguely positive: after all, it gave me something to do, in writing this post.

But that’s … not something I think I’ll dwell on: I’ve an ugly side to myself I’d rather not push too heavily, online.

On the other hand … ?

On the other hand, the more positive side of me, that’s not so wrapped up in himself, at the moment, is definitely saddened to hear the news.

After all, I’d grown up watch Lis Sladen, as Sarah-Jane, in Dr Who for many years: she, as much as Nicholas Courtney, who died a few weeks ago, Ian Marter and Tom Baker, were part of my childhood, and made my Saturday nights: something she was doing, all over again in The Sarah Jane Adventures for a new generation.

Along side four different Doctor’s, over the years.

With Elisabeth Sladen’s death, today … ?

Saturday nights — especially this coming Saturday, with the opening episode of the series she was such a part of for many years — won’t be the same again.


Elisabeth Sladen
1 February 1948 – 19 April 2011

1 comment:

  1. That's heart breaking news. I'm so sorry to hear that. :(


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