
Tuesday 19 April 2011

The Daily Teaser

You know, I’ve got to admit, I’ve got the telly on, again.

This time … ?

It’s Yesterday, who are showing a Michæl Palin documentaryª about the fatalities on the last day of World War 1.

Sheer madness, some of them … !

Going by what Palin was saying … ?

That last day of the war was possibly one of the madder days of four years worth of lunacy.

Lets get moving on, shall we … ?

Yes, lets …


Yesterday’s Teaser saw both Mr Strict and Debbi putting in their answers.

With both scoring 6 out of 6, it also saw Mr S letting us know exactly how many titles Lucrezia Borgia* had — a rather mind-boggling number, tied in with at least three of her marriages — and Debbi telling us about the world’s longest baseball game.

Lets see how they — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we … ? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) 19th April, 2005, saw Cardinal Joseph Ratzinger elected as Pope Benedict 16th: exactly how maw cardinals voted in that election … ?

Q2) More to the point, how was was the new pope, when elected … ?

Q3) 19th April, 1985, saw the Soviet Union carrying out nuclear testing: in which Kazakhstan town … ?

Q4) 19th April, 1947, saw the birth of Larry Walters, best known for his flying trips in a balloon-lifted what … ?

Q5) 19th April, 1971, saw the launch of the world’s first space station, by the USSR: what was it’s name … ?

Q6) And finally … 19th April, 1999, saw the German Bundestag open in which German city … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 18th April, 1971, saw the birth of Scottish actor, David McDonald: how’s he better known … ?
A1) David Tennant.

Q2) 18th April, 1981, saw the start of the world”s longest professional baseball game: which was finally completed on the 23rd of July, that year: name either of the teams involved.
Q2) The Pawtucket Red Sox and the Rochester Red Wings.

Q3) 18th April, 1924, saw the world’s first Crossword puzzle book published: by which publishers … ?
A3) Simon and Schuster.

Q4) 18th April, 1480, saw the birth of which member of the Borgia family … ?
A4) Lucrezia Borgia.

Q5) More to the point, who was her father … ?
A5) Pope Alexander 6th.

Q6) And finally, one last baseball question … 18th April, 1923, saw the formal opening of the original Yankee Stadium: also known as the House that who built … ?
A6) The House that Ruth Built.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll catch you later … !

* Although I’ve got to be honest, I’ve got this mental image of a Renaissance-era, Italian noblewoman ticking off her titles in some sort of Gibbons catalogue …

ª And now they’re showing a documentary about royal weddings through the 20th Century: not quite sublime to ridiculous, but … … … … …

1 comment:

  1. 1. 130
    2. 78
    3. Semipaltinsk
    4. a lawn chair
    5. Salyut 1
    6. Berlin


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