
Wednesday 11 May 2011

The Daily Teaser: 11-5-11

Hmmm …

Well, I think I owe my next door neighbour, Lynn a big thank you … !

Bless her, Lynn’s loaned me an old Freeview box, ’til I’m sorted … !

OK, granted, not being a major sports fan means that BBC News’ sports coverage is a bit of a chore.

But just having it on is nice … !

I just find it amazing the amount of frippery on … … … … !

Lets get moving on, shall we … ?

Yes, lets … !


Yesterday’s Teaser saw both Mr Strict and Debbi putting in their answers: along with 5 out of 5, it also saw Mr S admitting — via Twitter — that he’s something of Pistols fan!

Lets see how they — and — do with today’s questions, shall we … ? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) 11th May, 1998, saw which country carry out nuclear tests … ?

Q2) 13 years earlier, 11th May, 1985 saw a fatal fire at Bradford football Stadium: name either of the teams who were playing …

Q3) 11th May, 1964, saw the birth of snooker player, John Parrott: who’s John’s regular co-pundit for the BBC’s snooker coverage … ?

Q4) More to the point, in which year did John make his televised debut as a Snooker player … ?

Q5) Moving on … 11th May, 1867, saw which European country gain independence … ?

Q6) And finally … 11th May, 1811, saw the birth of which famous pair of twins … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 10th May, 1954, saw the release of Rock Around The Clock, the world’s first rock and roll No 1: in which country was it first a No. 1 … ?
A1) The USA.

Q2) 10th May, 1957, saw the birth of bass-player, John Ritchie: how was he better known … ?
Q2) Sid Vicious.

Q3) 10th May, 1924, saw J. Edgar Hoover named as the first director of the FBI: what did the J stand for … ?
A3) John.

Q4) 10th May, 1655, saw England annex Jamaica: from which country … ?
A4) Spain.

Q5) And finally … 10th May, 1941, saw who fly in to Scotland, to try and negotiate peace between Germany and Britain … ?
A5) Rudolf Hess.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll catch you later … !


  1. 1. India conducts 5 Nuclear Tests
    2. Bradford City Football Club and Lincoln City
    3. Steve Davis
    4. during the 1984 Classic
    5. Luxembourg
    6. Chang and Eng Bunker

  2. 1. India
    2. Bradford City Football Club and Lincoln City
    3. Steve Davis
    4. 1984
    5. Luxembourg
    6. Chang and Eng Bunker (the conjoined twins who led to the coining of the term Siamese twins)


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