
Thursday 12 May 2011

The Daily Teaser: 12-5-11

You know, I’ll be honest …

I’ve woken up with a song bouncing around my head.

Ever get that … ? Songs, gently playing themselves in your head … ? As far as I know, it’s fairly common.

It’s just odd I’ve had Right Said Fred’s Don’t Talk, Just Kiss floating around.

Something I know I’ve not thought about for a while.

The song, that is …

The really odd thing about it is that it’s the late, great Ian Dury’s birthday, today, which is why I used Clevor Trever as the soundtrack for the Teaser film, just you know …

Oy … !

I’m burbling … !

Lets get moving on, shall we … ?


Yesterday’s Teaser saw both Debbi and Kaiju — #TeamTeaser’s original Speed Demon — putting in their answers and saw both bagging 6 out of 6!

Lets see how they — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we … ? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) 12th May, 1994, saw the death of Labour party leader, John Smith: who replaced him as permanent party leader … ?

Q2) 12th May, 1926, saw the ending of what, in the UK: World War 1 rationing, the General Strike, or the first publication of The Sun … ?

Q3) 12th May, 1935, saw stockbroker Bill Wilson introduced to Dr Robert Smith, for the first time: which rather shy group did they found, as a result … ?

Q4) 12th May, 1924, saw the birth of comic actor, Tony Hancock: in which episode of Hancock’s Half Hour did he famously say “A pint? That’s very nearly an armful … !”?

Q5) And finally … 12th May, 1862, saw US Army troops occupy which Louisiana city … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 11th May, 1998, saw which country carry out nuclear tests … ?
A1) India.

Q2) 13 years earlier, 11th May, 1985 saw a fatal fire at Bradford football Stadium: name either of the teams who were playing …
Q2) Bradford City, vs Lincoln City.

Q3) 11th May, 1964, saw the birth of snooker player, John Parrott: who’s John’s regular co-pundit for the BBC’s snooker coverage … ?
A3) Steve Davis.

Q4) More to the point, in which year did John make his televised debut as a Snooker player … ?
A4) 1984.

Q5) Moving on … 11th May, 1867, saw which European country gain independence … ?
A5) Luxembourg.

Q6) And finally … 11th May, 1811, saw the birth of which famous pair of twins … ?
A6) Chang and Eng Bunker, one of the earliest documented cases of conjoined — or Siamese — twins. (Pointless trivia for you: the Bunker brothers were known as Chinese twins, in their native Thailand, as their family were ethnic Chinese.)
Enjoy those, everyone. I’ll catch you later … !

After I’ve left you with the only Ian Dury number that got banned … !


  1. 1. Anthony Charles Lynton "Tony" Blair
    2. the General Strike
    3. Alcoholics Anonymous was founded in 1935 after a New York stockbroker, William Griffith Wilson, met a fellow alcoholic, Dr. Robert Holbrook Smith, in
    Akron, Ohio. The fellowship is reckoned to have started on June 10 of that year, the day that Dr. Smith took his last drink, a beer accompanied by a tranquilizer. Dr. Smith needed to steady his nerves; he was about to perform an operation. [YIKES!!!]
    4. "The Blood Donor"
    5. Baton Rouge

  2. Dear lord, tell me you}re joking, Kaiju … !??


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