
Monday 23 May 2011

The Daily Teaser: 23-5-11

You know, I’ve got to confess, I’m back up at my usual time.

And that feels good.

But I’m a touch upset about the BAFTAs.

It would’ve been nice to see Dr Who do a touch better.

Saying that … ?

I’m thinking Steven Moffat’s done rather well, in bagging a gong or two for Sherlock!

He’s just complained on Twitter, actually.

About how much his head hurts …

Mind me making a confession … ?

I’ve got a Mac. And I don’t drink.

Hungover people with virus-struck PC’s tend to call me a smug git.

I can’t THINK why …

Lets move on, shall we … ?

Yes, lets … !


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi putting in her answers in in: along with managing to dig up the name of the head of the Hashhashim, she also managed to bag 7 out of 8. That was my fault, I’m afraid: I should have qualified, by asking about the firs female B52 combat pilot. Kelly Flinn, so you know … !

But lets see how she — and you — do with today’s questions: here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) 23rd May, 1907, saw the formal opening of Finland’s Parliament: what’s the Finnish — or Suomi — name for it … ?

Q2) 23rd May, 1949 saw the founding of the Federal Republic of Germany: was this East or West Germany … ?

Q3) 23rd May, 1966, saw the British government declare a State of Emergency: one week after which union went on strike … ?

Q4) 23rd May, 1805 saw who named as King of Italy … ?

Q5) And finally … 23rd April, 1829, saw Cyrill Demian granted the patent for which musical instrument … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 21st May, 1176, saw an attempted assassination attempt … against whom … ?
A1) Saladin.

Q2) More to the point, by whom … ?
Q2) The Hashashin.

Q3) Equally to the point … in which Syrian city … ?
A3) Aleppo.

Q4) 22nd May, 1981, saw Peter Sutcliffe — the Yorkshire Ripper — convicted for life of thirteen murders: where is he currently being held … ?
A4) Broadmoor Hospital.

Q5) One year earlier, 22nd May, 1980, saw Namco release which influential video game … ?
A5) Pac-man.

Q6) That game is one of only three on display at which Washington DC museum?
A6) The Smithsonian.

Q7) 22nd May, 1997, saw the US Air Force’s first female combat pilot, leave the force: what was her name … ?
A7) Kelly Flinn.

Q8) And finally … 22nd May, 1972, saw the death of actress, Margaret Rutherford: best known as Miss Marple, which British politician was her 1st cousin, once removed … ?
A8) Tony Benn.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll catch you later …


  1. 1. Eduskunta
    2. West Germany
    3. the National Union of Seamen
    4. Napolean Bonaparte
    5. the accordian

    Thanks again for that most awesome review. :-)

    Now I have to read Terry Pratchett.

  2. And can I suggest Guards Guards … ? Possibly the onnly time a dragon has been charged with being a Blunt Intrument … ?


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