
Friday 27 May 2011

The Daily Teaser: 27-5-11

Hmmm …

That’s …

Just strange …

Really … !

I’ll be honest, I’ve got the BBC’s News channel on at the moment.

And for some weird reason … ?

The keep running a little article about the fact that one sport that’s gsining popularity in the UK, for the past few years … ?

Is Mexican wrestling: Lucha Libre, as it’s known.

And from the look of the clip … ?

I’m vaguely reminded of the afternoon British professional wrestling, that ITV showed, during the 80s.

Especially Kendo Nagasaki …

Hmmm …

I think I’ll leave that right there …

Unless Kevin D — Movie Night gang member, and noted Grapple fan — want’s to put in a thought … !


Let’s get moving on, shall we … ?

Yes, lets … !

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi, bless her, putting in her answers: along with bagging 4 out of 5, she also managed to get me on my toes, by double checking an answer.

Lets see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we … ?

Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, Licence and video

Q1) 27th May, 1957, saw the birth of Susan Ballion: how is she better known … ?

Q2) 27th May, 1994, saw who fly back to his native Russia … ?

Q3) 27th May, 1980, saw the inquest into the death of Blair Peach rule his death to have been ‘Misadventure’: which organisation had he been protesting against, when he died … ?

Q4) 27th May, 1996, saw President Yeltsin of Russia negotiate a temporary ceasefire with whom … ?

Q5) And finally … 27th May, 1995, saw who paralysed after a horse-riding accident … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 26th May, 1966, saw British Guiana become independent: what’s British Guiana now called … ?
A1) Guyana.

Q2) 26th May, 1998, saw the US Supreme Court rule that Ellis Island is where … ?
Q2) New Jersey.

Q3) 26th May, 1879, saw Britain and Russia sign the Treaty of Gandamak: this treaty established which country … ?
A3) Afghanistan.

Q4) 26th May, 17AD, saw Germanicus arrive in Rome, after defeating several German tribes: which Emperor's father was he … ?
A4) Caligula.

Q5) And finally … 26th May, 1896, saw who become the last Tsar of all the Russias … ?
A5) Nicholas 2nd.
And here — covered by the same Creative Commons License as everything else — is the Friday Question Set for struggling Pub Quiz masters …
Online 105.

Q1) Dermatology is the study of human … what?
A1) Skin.

Q2) Alistair Cooke became famous for broadcasting his Letter from …where?
Q2) America

Q3) Disney’s version of Pinocchio was released in which decade of the 20th Century?
A3) The 1940’s

Q4) Northern Soul was the début album from which 90’s band?
A4) M People

Q5) Which American sport was Abner Doubleday credited with inventing?
A5) Baseball.

Q6) During the 60s, which member of the Kennedy family was involved with the Chappaquidick incident?
A6) Edward ‘Teddy’ Kennedy

Q7) What name is shared by Charlie Chaplin, and Princess Diana?
A7) Spencer.

Q8) In Hollywood, which Jean was called The Blonde Bombshell?
A8) Jean Harlow.

Q9) What describes Rubik’s Cube: two dimensional, three dimensional or four dimensional?
A9) Three dimensional.

Q10) What stewed item goes into a compote?
A10) Stewed Fruit.


Q11) Which Coronation Street character was murdered by his daughter, in 2005?
A11) Tommy Harris.

Q12) Which EastEnders character got a marriage proposal, from Benny Bloom?
A12) Ethel Skinner. (Accept just Ethel.)

Q13) Which Neighbours character was killed in a fire, at Lassiters?
A13) Gus Cleary.

Q14) Two newsreader’s famously sat on a protesting lesbian, during the 6 O’Clock news, in 1988. Name one of them. (Two points for both)
A14) Nicholas Witchell, and Sue Lawley.

Q15) In addition to the Blue Peter team, which royal took part in the 1971 Blue Peter Safari?
A15) Princess Anne.

Q16) Which member of the Blue Peter team got knocked out by a flying marrow?
A16) John Noakes.

Q17) The character of May Hardman was the first death on which British soap, back in 1960?
A17) Coronation Street.

Q18) In which year of the 1980’s were sub-titles first available for the Queen’s Speech?
A18) 1981.

Q19) True or False. Anna Ford was the first British TV newsreader to lose an earring, on TV.
A19) False. It was actually Angela Rippon.

Q20) Who’s was the first televised Royal funeral?
A20) George 6th’s.


Q21) What country can you walk to, from Gibraltar?
A21) Spain

Q22) Urdu is an important language in two countries. Name either of them. (Two points for both.)
A22) India & Pakistan.

Q23) What is England’s most northerly county?
A23) Northumberland.

Q24) Beijing is the new name for which city?
A24) Peking.

Q25) What’s the queen’s London home?
A25) Buckingham Palace.

Q26) In which European country is the city of Salzburg?
A26) Austria

Q27) What colour is the sea that separates Egypt and Saudi Arabia?
A27) Red.

Q28) In which country is the resort of Rimini?
A28) Italy.

Q29) Madagascar is to the east of which continent?
A29) Africa.

Q30) Is California on the East or west coast of the USA?
A30) West.


Q31) What was invented by Lazlo and Georg Biro?
A31) Ballpoint pen.

Q32) Which fashion item is Oscar Levi Strauss responsible for?
A32) Jeans.

Q33) What nationality was motor vehicle pioneer Gottlieb Daimler?
A33) German.

Q34) What was developed by Andre and Edouard Michelin?
A34) Tyres.

Q35) What type of pen did Lewis Waterman invent?
A35) Fountain Pen.

Q36) Which vehicle was invented by Christopher Cockerell?
A36) Hovercraft.

Q37) Which engine was invented by Sir Frank Whittle?
A37) Jet.

Q38) What did John Logie Baird invent, first called “seeing by wireless”?
A38) Television.

Q39) Which communication system is Alexander Graham Bell famous for?
A39) Telephone.

Q40) Who invented a code made up of dots and dashes?
A40) Samuel Morse.


Q41) In which Greek city were the first Modern Olympics held?
A41) Athens.

Q42) In which decade did Roger Bannister run his first sub-four minute mile?
A42) 1950s.

Q43) Which Czech-born tennis-player won her ninth Wimbledon title in 1990?
A43) Martina Navratilova.

Q44) Charismatic gymnast Olga Korbut represented which country, at the Olympics?
A44) The USSR. (Accept Soviet Union.)

Q45) The 1980 Olympics were boycotted by the USA. In which city were they held?
A45) Moscow.

Q46) Which English cricketer made his hundredth century, in a 1977 Test Match?
A46) Geoffrey Boycott.

Q47) What does the second F stand for, in the initials, FIFA?
A47) Football

Q48) Who captained England, in their 5 – 1 win over Germany, in 2001?
A48) David Beckham.

Q49) Mario Andretti found fame in which sport?
A49) Motor racing.

Q50) Clive Lloyd captained which international cricket side?
A50) The West Indies.


Q51) In the film, Boys From Brazil, which real world villain was played by Gregory Peck?
A51) Dr Josef Mengele.

Q52) There were only two independent African nations, at the start of World War Two. Name either. (Two points for both.)
A52) Liberia or Ethiopia.

Q53) Marsala wine is made on which Mediterranean island?
A53) Sicily.

Q54) There’s a town called Odessa in Washington, and which other US state?
A54) Texas.

Q55) True or False. The World Spam Museum is in Austin, Texas.
A55) False. It’s actually in Austin, Minnesota!

Q56) Springfield, Illinois, was the birthplace of which assassinated US President?
A56) Abraham Lincoln.

Q57) Which grand event was first broadcast on the BBC, in 1960?
A57) The Grand National.

Q58) Briana Corrigan and Jacqui Abbot were the two female singers for which English band?
A58) The Beautiful South.

Q59) Which south American country borders Argentina, Brazil and Bolivia?
A59) Paraguay.

Q60) Before becoming a TV presenter, Anthea Turner worked for which motoring organisation?
A60) The AA.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll catch you later …

But leave you with this …

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