
Sunday 1 May 2011

The Daily Teaser

You know, I've got to admit, today's Teaser doesn't look quite the way it should ...

There's a very good reason for that.

Currently ... ?

I'm still over at a couple of old friends, Gwen and Stef's, place in Strood, Kent.

After they, bless 'em, invited me over to catch a film.

Actually ... ?

More like a couple of films, the glorious Spanish horrors, Rec and Rec 2.

But more on those - and last night's - later.

Either way, the point I wanted to make, is that - bless 'em - Gwen and Stef like me bring along Archie, the ageing Dell laptop running a version of Xubuntu, along, to post this up.

I'm blaming Chromium and Firefox, if this post looks odd.

So lets get cracking with today's Teaser, shall we ... ?

First things first, though, and so you know, yesterday's Teaser saw the ever-ready - and ever capable - Mr Strict stepping up to the plate.

And also saw him bagging six out of six.

Lets see how he - and you - do with today's questions, shall we?

Here they are, along with the How To and License...

Q1) 1st May is, obviously, Beltane. This mark the start of what, in Irish mythology: summer, spring or winter ... ?

Q2) 1st May is also the feast day of Saint Joseph, the father of Christ: name either of the two gospels that feature Saint Joseph.

Q3) Equally ... 1st May sees the Annual ‘Obby Oss festival: in which Cornish town ... ?

Q4) 1st May is Communist Russia’s favourite international holiday:
International what day ... ?

Q5) Moving on ... 1st May, 1945, saw Nazi Germany announce the death of who ... ?

Q6) 1st May, 1769 is one of the dates given for the birth of Arthur Wellesley, 1st Duke of Wellington: when he originally joined the British Army, what rank did he hold ... ?

Q7) And finally ... 1st May, 1994, saw the death of Ayrton Senna: at which racetrack ... ?
And here's yesterday's question's and answers ...
Q1) 30th April is, of course, Walpurgis Night: which British city has a Beltane Fire Festival on Walpurgis Night ... ?
A1) Edinburgh.

Q2) The events of which Dennis Wheatley novel start on Walpurgis Night ... ?
Q2) The Devil Rides Out. (I’ve read it: and couldn’t help but think of Agatha Christie: there's a hell of a lot of complaining about the servants ...)

Q3) Which Disney closes with events on Walpurgis Night rather than Halloween, as is usually claimed ... ?
A3) Fantasia.

Q4) Moving on ... 30th April, 1812, saw Louisiana become the 18th State of the USA: how had it been known, until then ... ?
A4) The Orleans Territory.

Q5) 30th April, 1995, saw who become the first US president to visit Northern Ireland ... ?
A5) Bill Clinton.

Q6) And finally ... 30th April, 1900, saw the death of which railway engineer ... ?
A6) John Luther “Casey” Jones.
Enjoy those, everyone: I'll catch you all later ... !

1 comment:

  1. I'm back!!!! A bit tired, but ready to answer questions. :)

    I still haven't seen Doctor Who, so I had to scroll quickly past your posts about that. :) I'll watch it as soon as I can.

    1. Summer
    2. Matthew and Luke
    3. Padstow
    4. International Workers' Day
    5. Hitler
    6. ensign
    7. the Imola circuit


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