
Wednesday 4 May 2011

The Daily Teaser …

Oh, now that’s mildly annoying … !

And I know there’s possibly a case of the pot calling the kettle black.

But I’ve just had some calling themselves Jenny leave me a message on YouTube.

Telling how wonderful my video — an unspecified one — was. And how it was a shame that I didn’t have more subscribers …

She was from a site that calls itself sub4sub.

Seemingly, a site that offers to boost the number of subscribers you get on YouTube.

I think I’ll not be using their services.

Mostly … ?

Mostly because I’m getting sick of getting at least one such message a week … !

See what I mean about annoying … ?

I’m thinking it’s on a par with drive-by download attacks, like the one I had a couple of days ago.

Actually, that’s a touch more worrying: I’ve made no bones about the fact I’m a Mac fan, so a bit of Flash animation, telling me Windows Security had had found a problem with my PC?

I wasn’t convinced: after all I’d heard that this sort of things could happened. But any of my Windows using friends that haven’t … ?

Well …


Lets get moving on, shall we … ?

Yes, lets …

Yesterday’s Teaser saw both Kaiju — back after a long gap — and Debbi putting in their answers: with both scoring 6 out of 7. (I think both had trouble with Q6: Hmmm … does anyone know if Roodmas in celebrated in the states … ?)

Lets see how they — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we … ? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) According to an oft-reported joke in Hansard, May 4th is Star Wars Day: May the Forth Be With you, in other words. Hansard is the official record of what: the Houses of Parliament, the Royal Family or the Prime Minister … ?

Q2) Apart from the relevant bodies in England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, where else in the British Isles have a Hansard … ?

Q3) 4th May, 1910, saw the which country’s Royal Navy … ?

Q4) 4th May, 2000, saw Ken Livingston elected as the first Mayor of London. Who replaced him, in 2008 … ?

Q5) 4th May, 1953, saw which member of the Royal Family awarded his pilots wings by the RAF … ?

Q6) And finally … 4th May, 1953, saw Ernest Hemingway awarded the Pulitzer Prize: for which of his works … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 3rd May, 1469, saw the birth of political writer, Niccolò Machiavelli: what’s the name of his best known book … ?
A1) The Prince.

Q2) Many years later, 3rd May, 1933, saw Nellie Tayloe Ross become the first woman to head which US institution … ?
Q2) The US Mint.

Q3) More to the point in which US city is that institution’s HQ … now … ?
A3) Washington DC.

Q4) 3rd May, 1973, saw which Chicago building become the world’s tallest … ?
A4) The Sears Tower.

Q5) More to the point, how is that building now known … ?
A5) The Willis Tower.

Q6) In many Christian denominations, 3rd May is which Feast day … ?
A6) Roodmas.

Q7) And finally … 3rd May, 1951, saw which race televised for the first time … ?
A7) The Kentucky Derby.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll catch you later …

1 comment:

  1. Roodmas? Nope. Never heard of it. But I'm not terribly religious, so I'm probably not the right person to ask. :)

    1. Houses of Parliament
    2. Isle of Man
    3. Canada
    4. Boris Johnson
    5. Prince William
    6. The Old Man and the Sea


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