
Tuesday 24 May 2011

The DailyTeaser 24-5-11

You know, I HATE having sleepless nights, I really do … !

Lord KNOWS why that’s kicking off, though.

But I do know I managed to do at least one post, last night.

And left one of my regular commentors feeling rather pleased … !

Bless … !


Lets get moving on, shall we … ?

Yes, lets … !

Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi putting in her answers: along with was rather pleased about a good review* and admitting she’d be giving a well known fantasy writer a going over, she also managed to score 5 out of 5.

Lets see how she — and you — do with today’s questions: here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) 24th May, 1626, saw Dutch trader Peter Minuit buy where … ?

Q2) More to the point, how much did he pay for it … ?

Q3) Many years later, 14th May, 1883, saw which famous bridge connecting that purchase to where open to traffic?

Q4) MANY years later … 24th May, 2004, saw North Korea ban the use of what … ?

Q5) 24th May, 1940, saw whom complete the first successful single rotor helicopter flight … ?

Q6) And finally … 24th May, 1999, saw who resign as England’s Rugby Union captain … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 23rd May, 1907, saw the formal opening of Finland’s Parliament: what’s the Finnish — or Suomi — name for it … ?
A1) The Eduskuntaª.

Q2) 23rd May, 1949 saw the founding of the Federal Republic of Germany: was this East or West Germany … ?
Q2) West Germany.

Q3) 23rd May, 1966, saw the British government declare a State of Emergency: one week after which union went on strike … ?
A3) The National Union of Seamen.

Q4) 23rd May, 1805 saw who named as King of Italy … ?
A4) Napoléon Bonaparte.

Q5) And finally … 23rd April, 1829, saw Cyrill Demian granted the patent for which musical instrument … ?
A5) The accordion.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll catch you later …

* \Bows extravagantly/.

ª Which sounds vaguely like a version of Ubuntu
You know, I HATE having sleepless nights, I really do … !

1 comment:

  1. Oh, my! An extravagant bow.

    What a gent! :)

    1. Manhattan Island
    2. 60 Dutch guilders or $24 US
    3. Brooklyn
    4. mobile phones
    5. Igor Sikorsky
    6. Lawrence Dallaglio


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