
Saturday 7 May 2011

Dr Who Episode 3: The Curse of the Black Spot.


Hmmm …

You know, I’m not sure if I’m stunned or not, by tonight’s episode of Dr Who.

Well …

Maybe that’s sounding a touch harsh.

It’s accurate, though.

I’m not stunned by The Curse of the Black Spot.

However, I’ve got to admit, I did enjoy it

The Curse of the Black Spot opens with the Doctor, Rory and Amy finding themselves on board the good ship, Fancy: commanded by Captain Henry Avery, the Fancy has a Siren problem.

No, seriously, a siren problem.

In this case … ?

It’s a turquoise painted siren — played by Lily Cole, who I’d last seen in The Imaginarium of Dr Parnassus — who appears out of the sea, whenever one of Captain Avery’s band, whenever one of them is injured.

There’s a reason for that …

As we eventually find out, the siren isn’t actually malicious.

And is going after the injured member’s of the crew for a very good reason: seemingly …

She’s the emergency medical hologram for a ship, stuck in a dimensional hole in space, in the same point where the Fancy is …


Hmmm … !!!!

Yes … !

Quite … !

Right, sorry, just got distracted by an old friend, there … !

Carly, soon as I get the chance, I’ll try and post up a Permissions Check How To!


At any rate …

As I was saying … !

The Curse of The Black Spot wasn’t quite the stunner the opening two episodes were.

Saying that … ?

I’m thinking that, when we look back on the season, episode three will be the light and fluffy episode, countering the darkness of the previous two episodes …

And what looks — from the various preview clips and trailer, floating around — Episode four, next week, sounds as dark.

On the other hand … ?

The Curse of The Black Spot may not be the best episode of the three, we’ve seen in season six, so far …

But it’s definitely fun episode … !

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