
Saturday 7 May 2011

The Daily Teaser …

Oh, blimey, now that’s another death, piled onto shames and deaths recently …

It seems Sevé Ballesteros, Spain first and best known international golfer, has died overnight.

Looks like sports losing quite a few people, with Sir Henry Cooper and Whispering Ted Lowe dying recently … !

Lets get moving on, shall we … ?

And you’ll forgive me for putting up a couple of photos of Jude … ? Looks like he’s going into Salty Sam mode, in the latter, doesn’t it … ?


Yesterday’s Teaser saw Debbi — rapidly hovering at #21, in the Amazon eBook UK charts — putting in her answers and bagging 6 out of 6.

Lets see how she — and you — do with todays questions: here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) 7th May, 1718, saw the founding of New Orleans: what’s the name of the city’s oldest central district … ?

Q2) More to the point, what does that district’s French name translate into English as … ?

Q3) 7th May, 1986, saw Canadian, Patrick Morrow become the first person to climb all seven of the Seven Peaks, the world’s highest mountains: name any of the seven he climbed.

Q4) 7th May, 2008, saw who sworn in as President of Russia … ?

Q5) 7th May, 1956, saw the UK’s health minister reject calls for a smoking ban, on the ground the health effects were “unproven”: what was that minister’s name … ?

Q6) And finally … 7th May, 1946, saw the founding of Sony: but under what name … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 6th May, 1954, saw who become the first man to run a mile, in less than four minutes … ?
A1) Roger Bannister.

Q2) As it’s vaguely topical, considering recent royal events: 6th May, 1960, saw which member of the Royal Family get married … ?
Q2) Princess Margaret.

Q3) More to the point, who to … ?
A3) Photographer, Anthony Armstrong-Jones.

Q4) 6th May, 1937, saw the explosion of which airship … ?
A4) The LZ 129 Hindenburg.

Q5) 6th May, 1856, saw the birth of which famous Austrian Dr … ?
A5) Sigmund Freud.

Q6) And finally … 6th May, 1910, saw who accede the throne of the United Kingdom … ?
A6) George 5th.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll catch you later …


  1. 1. the French Quarter
    2. Old Square
    3. Everest
    4. Dmitry Medvedev
    5. RH Turton
    6. Tokyo Tsushin Kogyo was their original name. They considered using their initials, TTK, or changing it to either Totsuko or Tokyo Teletech, but decided upon Sony.

    BTW, my book is still selling really well! :) Thanks for mentioning it, Paul. And all your kind support.

  2. Oh, My pleasure, Debbi: but don’t forget, I’m looking forward to the day the library actually does get copies in: I’d like to put up a review, and be able to add … “I (kinda) know the author … !”


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