
Friday 6 May 2011

Oh, now that’s a Shame …

Seriously, that’s DEFINITELY a shame.

It seems that Councillor Chilvers is now former Councillor Chilvers.

Having been voted out of office by a narrow margin of 10 votes.

Personally … ?

I’m disappointed, I really am.

Brentwood West’s lost a very capable councillor, there.

And frankly … ?

Given that her replacement is a Conservative — and going on Joan Holmes example — I’m not expecting to see hide or hair of him, until the next set of elections.

Frankly … ?

As far as I’m concerned, he may be a councillor …

But he’s not my councillor.


Hmmm …

Now, I’ll be frank, here, as well, but — if I were in Ms Chilvers shoes — what to be doing next.

I’ll confess, I don’t know: I suspect she may well be catching up with some sleep.

I know, however, that — from where I’m sitting — I’d be very annoyed at Nick Clegg.

I personally believe that losing such a capable councillor seems to be in line with the Liberal Democrats bad results, overnight.

And personally feel that’s a result of several things.

Which I feel has the fact of the national coalition at its heart.

I also believe that, as things stand at the moment … ?

I feel the ‘Yes To AV’ campaign may be on the brink of losing.

Something that I also think is a shame.

Hmmm …

I’ve got to ask …

If the ‘Yes To AV’ campaign does go under … ?

Will the Deputy Prime Minister be falling on his proverbial sword … ?

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