
Saturday 21 May 2011

The Green Hornet: Blood, Guts, and a Barrel of Laughs

Wanna know something … ?

I think I’ve just seen an absolutely FANTASTIC film, I really do … !

No, seriously …

You see, I know it’d been a while, but I’ve had Kevin D, Squeaky and Squeaky’s new fellah, Brad over for the evening, complete with a copy of the really rather fantastic 2011 film — and DVD release — Green Hornet.

Released earlier this month, and derived from the 1930s radio series of the same, Green Hornet sees Seth Rogen as the main character, Britt Reid, the playboy son of newspaper owner, John Reid.

Who, when his father dies, is suddenly left in charge of his father’s paper, the Daily Sentinel.

And all not well in the house.

For STARTERS, it’s only when Britt comes ’round in the morning, he finds he’s fired his father’s ace mechanic, Kato, the only person on staff who makes a decent cup of coffee.

And seems to have picked up a temporary secretary …


Hmmm …

Now, I was saying I was impressed … ?

I am definitely that … !

I found that Green Hornet was a beautifully crafted little action-adventure: one I know I found to have a ton of humour at exactly when needed, three sympathetic main characters — Seth Roden’s titular Green Hornet, Jay Chou as chaffeur and technical genius, Kato and Cameron Diaz as secretary, Lenoré — and plot, script and set action scenes that romp along at a nice rate of knots.

I do know, though, that Kevin, bless him, was hooked for most of the film. Kevin felt Green Hornet was mildly disjointed, and believed the tone could well have been a touch more even throughout – even he, though, felt that the reviews he’d read of it had been a touch harsh.


On the whole, though … ?

On the whole, I think we can safely say Green Hornet was a damn fine film, and well worth the price.

I’ll leave you with the trailer, for now.

And how we rated it.

Good night, all …

Green Hornet.

Paul ★★★★
Sophie ★★★☆
Brad ★★★☆
Kevin ★★☆☆

Average: ★★★☆

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