
Sunday 22 May 2011

The Daily Teaser: 22-5-11

Ye GODS, I’m up late AGAIN

Mind you, to be fair … ?

I was up, late, watching Green Hornet.

I know it got some seriously iffy reviews.

But, BOY, was it GOOD … !

Mind me making a recommendation …?

Go catch that one.

It really is rather good … !


Yesterday’s teaser was relatively quiet …

But it did see Debbi — Maryland’s finest … ! — putting in her answers, and scoring 4 out of 5.*

Lets see how she — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we … ? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) 21st May, 1176, saw an attempted assassination attempt … against whom … ?

Q2) More to the point, by whom … ?

Q3) Equally to the point … in which Syrian city … ?

Q4) 22nd May, 1981, saw Peter Sutcliffe — the Yorkshire Ripper — convicted for life of thirteen murders: where is he currently being held … ?

Q5) One year earlier, 22nd May, 1980, saw Namco release which influential video game … ?

Q6) That game is one of only three on display at which Washington DC museum?

Q7) 22nd May, 1997, saw the US Air Force’s first female combat pilot, leave the force: what was her name … ?

Q8) And finally … 22nd May, 1972, saw the death of actress, Margaret Rutherford: best known as Miss Marple, which British politician was her 1st cousin, once removed … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) According to newspaper interviews with Rev. Harold Camping, 21st May, 2011 sees the Rapture: at roughly what time in the evening … ?
A1) 6pm. (You still here … ? Yeah … ? Me, too … )

Q2) 21st May, 1966, saw Muhammed Ali win to one of the few boxers to almost gain a knock-out against him: who was that boxer … ?
Q2) The late Sir Henry Cooper.

Q3) 21st May, 1991, saw the end of the Ethiopian Civil War effectively ended when President Mengistu Haile Mariam fled the country: who during the 1980s, called Mengistu a very insulting term — to his face — and survive … ?
A3) Sir Bob Geldof.

Q4) 21st May, 1904, saw the founding of football’s international governing body, FIFA: how many countries football association’s men’s teams does FIFA currently recognise … ?
A4) 208.

Q5) And finally … 21st May is Independence Day in which European country … ?
A5) Montenegro.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’m going to finish off the review I did of last night’s Dr Who … !

* Hang on, Debbi … Swearing … ? LOTS of swearing … ? And 80s Ethiopia … !

1 comment:

  1. Doh! Now I remember about Geldoff. :)

    Just a note about the book. The Mob guys aren't going to talk nice, are they? Plus Sam's dealing with a pretty down and out bunch, whose use of foul language is indicative of character. I think that's the long and the short of it. :)

    1. Saladin
    2. Rashid ad-Din Sinan
    3. Aleppo
    4. Broadmoor Mental Hospital
    5. Pac-Man
    6. The Smithsonian
    7. Martha McSally
    8. Tony Benn


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