
Tuesday 17 May 2011

Saving out Libraries: The New Opening Hours …

You know, it’s not THAT often I can admit an old friend’s a published poet …

But I’ll be honest …

I’ve an old friend who’s a published poet.

I was mildly stunned, to be frank …

You see, I’ve known Carly for quite some time.

And, while I’ve always felt Carly’s got depths to her, I never actually guessed quite how far down they went.

So I’ve got to be honest, when she told me she’d had a couple of poems published in a couple of collections … ?

Left me gobsmacked …

And curious.

And …

Well, to be frank, heading up to Brentwood Library


Which is where I’d found out that the consultation about Brentwood Library’s opening hours is now officially over, and the new opening times are in place.

Hmmm …

I’m thinking the various protests over the past few months had some effect, although not as much as I, amongst many, had hoped …

Just so you know, the currant hours are 9am ’til 7pm, Monday to Friday, 9am ’til 5pm, on Saturday, and 1pm ’til 4pm, on Sunday …

The two alternatives we were given were:

Option A)
  • Monday 9am ’til 7pm
  • Tuesday 9am ’til 7pm
  • Wednesday Closed
  • Thursday 9am ’til 7pm
  • Friday 9am ’til 7pm
  • Saturday 9am ’til 5pm
  • Sunday Closed

Option B)
  • Monday 9am ’til 5pm
  • Tuesday 9am ’til 5pm
  • Wednesday 9am ’til 5pm
  • Thursday 9am ’til 5pm
  • Friday 9am ’til 5pm
  • Saturday 9am ’til 5pm
  • Sunday Closed

The final results …

Are a much modified version of Option A.

New Opening Times
  • Monday 9am ’til 6pm
  • Tuesday 9am ’til 6pm
  • Wednesday 9am ’til 1pm
  • Thursday 9am ’til 6pm
  • Friday 9am ’til 6pm
  • Saturday 9am ’til 5pm
  • Sunday Closed

Which, to be frank … ?

Still aren’t perfect, considering the amount of protesting that went on about this.

Still wouldn’t make me especially happy, if, like many in this town I call home, I were working in London and wanted to get a book back if my train got back to Brentwood AFTER 6pm.

But …

Well …

Well, it’ll have to do …

For now …

But does leave me wondering where a real councillor is, when you need them … !


At any ray rate, where was I … ?

D’oh … !

Carly … !

Like I say, I’d always felt Carly had more in the shop than she’d put in the window.

To look at … ?

Carly’s a bright woman, who you’d think has little more to worry about than the next episode of EastEnders.

That’s at first glance.

Then you get to know a remarkably bright — and tough — woman: slap me if that get’s a bit much, Carly!

But a remarkably tough woman, you get surprised by: she’s been beating me at Scrabble on Facebook, I know that.

Which was when she told me she’d been published, playing Scrabble, this morning …

I just had to go and check that lead, out.

The first thing I did, of course … ?

Was check Essex Libraries online services, where the titles Carly gave me, didn’t show up.

And on going into the library … ?

They still didn’t.

But the assistant who helped me out did manage to look the book up on Amazon …

And place an order for it …

Well …

Granted, we’ll be seeing less of the library’s staff.

But, by GOD, they’re good … !

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