
Tuesday 17 May 2011

The Daily Teaser: 17-5-11

Hmmm …

That’s a bit of a worry …

You’ve probably worked out that the Queen starts a state visit to the Republic of Island, today.

As it goes … ?

As it goes, the Irish Army have announced that they’ve found — and made safe — a ‘viable explosive device’.

Hmmm …

Hmmm …

I can remember remember the 1970s, I really can.

And vaguely remember some of the feeling of …

Not dread …

But certainly concern, at the various bomb threats lurking around.

The best way that I can express it … ?

Was the response of a friend of mine, when dissident republicans were making loud (political) noises, a few months ago,

“Oh, lord, lets hope it doesn’t get to all THAT, again … !”


Lets get moving on, shall we … ?

Yes … I think we should …

Yesterday’s Teaser saw both Debbi and Kaiju putting in their answers: and saw both bagging 5 out of 5: lets see how they — and you — do with today’s questions, shall we … ? Here they are, along with the ‘How To’, License and video

Q1) 17th May, 1994, saw which African nation hold its first multiparty elections … ?

Q2) 17th May, 1973, saw the start of televised hearings into what in the UK … ?

Q3) 17th May, 1943, saw Operation Chastise — the bombing of the River Ruhr — take place: how is that Operation better known … ?

Q4) 17th May, 1805, saw Muhammed Ali become the Wali of Egypt: what exactly is a Wali … ?

Q5) And finally … 17th May, 1875, saw the very first Kentucky Derby won by which horse … ?
And here’s yesterday’s questions and answers …
Q1) 16th May, 1920, saw which French heroine canonised … ?
A1) Saint Joan of Arc.

Q2) More to the point, by which pope … ?
Q2) Benedict 15th.

Q3) 16th May, 1929, saw the first ever Oscars awarded: who won that year’s Best Actor gong … ?
A3) Emil Jannings: going by the Wikipedia entry on that first award ceremony, it looks like it was for both The Last Command and The Way of All Flesh.

Q4) 16th May, 1943, saw the end of which Uprising … ?
A4) The Warsaw Uprising.

Q5) And finally … 16th May, 1991, saw who become the first reining monarch become the first to address both Houses of the US Congress … ?
A5) HM Queen Elizabeth 2nd.
Enjoy those, everyone: I’ll catch you later …


  1. 1.Malawi
    3. Dambusters
    4. Ruler or Muslim saint or Holy Person
    Wali is an Arabic word meaning "custodian", "protector", "sponsor", or authority
    5.On May 17, 1875, the horse, Aristides, and his rider, Oliver Lewis, crossed the finish line ahead of the rest of the field at the first ever Kentucky Derby

  2. well hope the watergate is what you were talking about ..the Uk at the end threw me

  3. 1. Malawi
    2. the Watergate scandal
    3. the Dambusters raid
    4. ruler
    5. Aristides


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